ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Crash Course Part 1
The following user-friendly questions prepared according to different K-Levels are of great help in reviewing your skills before appearing in ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Certification exam as per the syllabus version 2014.
Right now the crash course has 150 unique multiple choice questions. We shall be uploading additional 200+ questions very shortly.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 1 to 10) with Explanation in Favour of the Correct Answer
The Correct Answer option has been Hi-lighted in Yellow.
Agile Tester Certification syllabus V2014 Chapter -1:
(Agile Software Development)
Q.1: (Level K1) Match the following agile software development approaches on the top with their corresponding descriptions on the bottom.
1) Extreme Programming
2) Scrum
i. Embraces five values to guide development like – Communication, Simplicity, Feedback, Courage, and Respect
ii. Divides the project into short iterations called sprints.
iii. Optimizes the ‘flow’ of work in a value-added chain.
A. 1-i, 2-iii, 3-ii
B. 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii
C. 1-ii, 2-i, 3-iii
D. 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (B) is True – as Kanban closely relates to the value-added chain and Scrum goes with the short iterations of the project.
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Q. 2: (Level K1) Out of the following which two statements are TRUE in respect of the Exploratory Testing?
1. Exploratory testing encompasses concurrent learning, test design, and execution. 2. Exploratory testing is carried out by the developers.
3. Exploratory test cases should be automated for maximum benefit.
4. Exploratory testers should have a prior knowledge of the system under test.
A. 1 and 4
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 4
D. 1 and 3
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Statement (1) is True – as exploratory testing encompasses concurrent learning, test design, and execution.
Statement (2) is False – as exploratory testing is carried out by testers.
Statement (3) is False – as automation of exploratory testing is not feasible as test design and execution takes place in parallel.
Statement (4) is True – as testers require good understanding of the usage of the system and how to know when the system has failed.
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Q. 3: (Level K1) Out of the following which one is the characteristic of the iterative development model, which differentiates it from other development models?
A. Close collaboration between developers and testers.
B. Short iteration of development cycles.
C. Use of automation testing.
D. Testers involved in exploratory testing.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is False – as this can happen in other traditional development methods as well.
Option (B) is True – as agile project consists of short iterations of development as against a long development cycle in conventional methods.
Option (C) is False – as automation testing is also likely to take place in other traditional development methods based on the requirements of the project.
Option (D) is False – as exploratory testing is also likely to take place in other traditional development methods.
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Q. 4: (Level K1) One of the Core Agile principles “Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project” relates to which of the following Agile Manifesto values?
A. Individuals and Interactions.
B. Working software.
C. Customer collaboration.
D. Responding to change.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (C) is True – as collaborating directly with the customer improves the likelihood of understanding exactly what the customer expects and likely to make the project successful.
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Q. 5: (Level K1) Out of the following which statement best reflects one of the values of the Agile Manifesto?
A. Responding to change allows the Agile team to develop relevant, a helpful product that people want to use.
B. The team should try to automate all unit test cases to reduce regression testing effort.
C. Business representatives should participate in all project activities.
D. Testers should work collaboratively with Business and developer team.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is True – as project teams that can respond quickly to customers, product users and the market, in general, are able to develop relevant, helpful products that people want to use.
Option (B) is False – as it is a normal practice in agile development, but it is not one of the values in the Agile Manifesto.
Option (C) is False – as it is a normal practice in agile development, but it is not one of the values in the Agile Manifesto.
Option (D) is False – as it is a normal practice in agile development, but it is not one of the values in the Agile Manifesto.
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Q. 6: (Level K1) Match the Agile manifesto statements (1-4) below with its correct value (i-iv).
1. Responding to change
2. Customer collaboration
3. Individuals and interactions
4. Working software
i. Can help teams work most effectively.
ii. Improves the likelihood of understanding what the customer requires
iii. Provides the opportunity to give the development team rapid feedback.
iv. Can help teams develop a relevant product that the customer wants.
A. 1 – iii, 2 – iv, 3 – ii, 4 – i
B. 1 – iii, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iv
C. 1- iv, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iii
D. 1 – ii, 2 – iii, 3 – iv, 4 – i
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (C) is True – as the project teams which can respond quickly develop relevant products that the customers want;
Close collaboration with the customer help in understanding the customer’s requirements better;
As Agile development is people-centered through continuous communication and interaction teams can work most effectively;
From the customer’s perspective, working software is useful and valuable and it provides an opportunity to give the development team rapid feedback;
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Q. 7: (Level K1) Out of the following which one is NOT the Agile Manifesto statement of values?
A. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
B. Responding to change over following a plan.
C. Processes and tools over individuals and interactions.
D. Working software over comprehensive documentation.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (C) is True – as the Agile Manifesto consists of four key values like:
1) Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools;
2) Working software over comprehensive documentation;
3) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation;
4) Responding to change over following a plan
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Q. 8: (Level K1) Which alternative is the BEST description of when to stop testing (release criteria) in an Agile Project?
A. All test cases have been executed.
B. The probability of remaining faults has been reduced to a level that may be acceptable to the customer.
C. The achieved test coverage is considered enough.
D. The iteration/sprint is finished.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (C) is True – as the coverage limit is justified by the complexity of the included functionality, its implementation, and the risks involved.
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Q. 9: (Level K2) One of the new Agile teams have agreed to use the “Power of Three” concept to take advantage of the whole team approach.
Which out of the following statements relates to this?
A. The concept involving Scrum master, Developers, and Tester in all feature discussions.
B. The concept of involving Testers, Developers, and Business Representatives in all feature discussions.
C. The concept involving DBA, Developers, and Architect in all feature discussions.
D. The concept involving Scrum master, Business Representatives, and Tester in all feature discussions.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (B) is True – as “Power of Three” refers to the concept of involving Testers, Developers, and Business Representatives during discussions or meetings in which product features are presented, analyzed, or estimated.
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Q.10: (Level K2) Out of the following which activities are not consistent with Agile’s “Whole Team Approach”?
A. Testers working with the team in user story creation.
B. Product owner working on testing tasks.
C. Testers working on non-testing tasks.
D. Product owner and developers having a discussion regarding user story.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is False – as this is consistent with “Whole Team Approach”, testers work in collaboration with the product owner and developers for user story creation.
Option (B) is False – as this is consistent with Agile’s “Whole Team Approach”, the product owner can help the testers with testing tasks.
Option (C) is False – as this is consistent with Agile’s “Whole Team Approach”, testers work on non-testing task based on their skillsets.
Option (D) is True – as this is not consistent with Agile’s “Whole Team Approach”, testers should be an essential part of all discussions.
Continue to Crash Course Part 2

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
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