ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification Exam-Sample Paper-Q. 101 to 110
Today we have added 70 more Questions to the Questions Bank.
Deep study of the complete set of 140 questions shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB CTAL Advanced Level Test Manager Exam. All these questions are based upon ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus V 2007.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 101 to 110)
Correct Answers to Earlier Q. 91 to 100 are at the end of this page:
Q. 101: Assume that you are the test manager for a large banking applicationdevelopment project. Earlier in the project, you identified 640 product risks which were deemed significant enough to deserve some amount of testing.
During test execution, you attend a project management meeting where you are asked to report test status. The following is true of the identified risks:
# Significant product risks identified during project planning: 640
# Significant product risks identified during test execution: 84
# Test coverage of significant risks: 100%
# Risks for which all tests are run and passed: 637
# Risks for which one or more tests fail: 70
# Risks for which one or more tests remain to be run: 47
For some risks, one or more test has failed and one or more test remains to be run. After presenting these facts, you are asked for your opinion on the residual level of risk.
Which of the following is a reasonable response?
A. It is not possible to determine the residual level of risk until all tests have been run.
B. Most risks are addressed, but some risks remain related to known bugs and untested risk areas.
C. Since over 85% of risks have been tested without any bugs being found, over 85% of the risk has been removed.
D. Many new risks have been identified during test execution, and that should not happen.
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Q. 102: Consider the following activities:
I. Group brainstorming
II. Bug taxonomy
III. Standard templates
IV. One-on-one interviews
V. Past bug analysis
VI. Risk checklist
Which of the following are techniques for gathering the collective judgment and insight of the stakeholders in risk identification and analysis?
A. I and IV
B. I and II
C. II and V
D. III and VI
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Q. 103: During the system test phase, a tester is running a predefined test case against an e-commerce system. She finds that this test case causes the host browser to crash in five out of five attempts to repeat the problem. As this test case exercises a critical customer use case, she tries but cannot identify a workaround.
Which of the following is an additional step the tester should perform to properly classify this incident?
A. Ask the project manager what phase the project is in.
B. Try to isolate the incident and find a suspected cause.
C. Determine the repeatability of the failure.
D. Identify the symptom associated with this failure.
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Q. 104: Consider the following excerpt from the incident description field of an IEEE 829 compliant bug report for an online e-commerce application that sells CDs and DVDs:
1. I was running test 09-157, which involves purchasing a large number of CDs and DVDs.
2. While specifying a quantity of a CD or DVD to purchase, I entered 99, which is the maximum allowed quantity in the requirement specification.
3. I expected the system to accept the input. However, the system responded with an error message, “No more than 10 items can be purchased.”
Which of the following elements is missing from this report?
A. The test being run
B. The actual result
C. The expected result
D. Check for reproducibility
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Q. 105: According to the IEEE 1044. 1 standard, what is true about making are organization’s incident management process compliant with IEEE 1044 standard?
A. All classifications and supporting data collection listed in IEEE 1044 must be implemented
B. All mandatory classifications and supporting data collection listed in IEEE 1044 must be implemented without tailoring
C. All mandatory classifications listed in IEEE 1044 must be implemented without tailoring
D. All mandatory classifications listed in IEEE 1044 must be implemented with appropriate tailoring
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Q. 106: An organization wants to improve its overall process capabilities, both in terms of developing better software and doing more effective testing.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. They can use TPI for development process improvement and TMM for test process improvement.
B. They can use CMMI for development process improvement and TMM for test process improvement.
C. They can use SPICE for development process improvement and ISO 15504 for test process improvement.
D. They can use CMMI for development process improvement and SPICE for test process improvement.
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Q. 107: Consider the fourteen levels of increasing maturity in the Test Process Improvement model, from 0 to 13. Assume an organization is starting at the 0 level, and wants to advance to level 1. Which of the following is a key area of testing to improve to achieve this level?
A. Defect management
B. Metrics
C. Low-level testing
D. Test automation
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Q. 108: You are assessing the maturity of a test team using both TMM and TP1, While evaluating the situation with the test environment, you find that the tests are performed in the same environment used to develop the software. This environment is defined, maintained, and modified according to the direction of the development team. In addition, developers debug software in this environment during test execution whenever a defect is found, and tests execution continues during debugging.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. This situation would prevent achievement of Definition maturity under TMM and would prevent achievement of Level 1 maturity under TPI.
B. This situation would not prevent achievement of Definition maturity under TMM but would prevent achievement of Level 1 maturity under TPI.
C. This situation would prevent achievement of Definition maturity under TMM but would not prevent achievement of Level 1 maturity under TPI.
D. This situation would not prevent achievement of Definition maturity under TAW and would not prevent achievement of Level 1 maturity under TPI.
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Q. 109: A business analyst who is familiar with the use of the system under test is asked to participate in test execution.
Which of the essential testing skills i she most likely to bring to the test process
A. Foreign-language knowledge
B. Technical knowledge
C. Testing knowledge
D. Domain knowledge
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Q. 110: A test manager wants to perform a skips inventory to identify gaps in the test team’s skill levels. Which of the following is a necessary step in that process?
A. Obtain an increase in the training budget for the test team
B. Assess the spills required to perform critical testing tasks.
C. Ask the testers what their training needs are.
D. Remove inexperienced testers from the test team.
Read the correct Answers of the Above Questions
Read the Full Database of All Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q.91 to Q 100 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 91 | B |
Q. 92 | C |
Q. 93 | C |
Q. 94 | A |
Q. 95 | D |
Q. 96 | C |
Q. 97 | B |
Q. 98 | D |
Q. 99 | C |
Q. 100 | D |

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