ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst & Technical Test Analyst Exam – Sample Paper: Q. 1 to 10
Deep study of this set of 80 questions shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB CTAL Advanced Level Test Analyst & Technical Test Analyst Exam. All these questions are based upon ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus V 2007.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 1 to 10)
Sample Questions in context of CTAL Syllabus Chapter 1: Basic Aspects of Software Testing
Q. 1: Which of the following test techniques can detect defects in the requirements specification at the earliest possible time?
A. Inspection
B. Performance testing
C. Equivalence partitioning
D. Unit testing
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Q. 2: You are designing tests for an integrated system that will use three off-the-shelf components to manage a bank’s accounts-receivable system.
You have been given a state transition diagram from the business analysts that shows the sequence of states an invoice moves through from generation to ultimate payment or laic thereof.
You have also been given a design document from the system architects that shows which tables are used to store various portions of the invoice and its related information.
You intend to create a set of end-to-end tests that cover all major use cases and work-flows associated with processing invoices. Which of the following is the best solution to the oracle problem for this test?
A. Use only the state transition diagram as the oracle, since this should be a black-box test.
B. Use only the design document as the oracle, since this should be a white-box test.
C. Use both the design document and the state transition diagram as oracles.
D. Use neither document as an oracle, but rely entirely on your understanding of the system.
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Q. 3: Which of the following is a black-box (behavioral) test design technique discussed in BS 7925/2?
A. Classification trees
B. Orthogonal arrays
C. Statement coverage
D. State transition diagrams
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Q. 4: When should standards be applied to testing?
A. Whenever useful
B. Only when required
C. On all projects
D. On regulated projects
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Q. 5: Which of the following statements about the IEEE 1028 standard is true?
A. It requires the use of inspections
B. It addresses only management reviews and audits
C. It requires the use of pair programming and pair testing
D. It defines inspections, walkthroughs, and technical reviews
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Q. 6: Which of the following statements are correct?
I. IEEE 1028 is an international standard on reviews.
II. Early reviews are very cost effective in finding defects.
III. Review is considered a static testing
IV. All types of documents can be reviewed (source code, requirements document, test plan document)
A. I, II and III true
B. I, III and IV true
C. I, II, III and IV true
D. II, III and lV true
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Q. 7: You are testing a product for which you will receive few if an), specification documents. The usual approach to development is to get an idea and start building something, letting the idea evolve as it proceeds, while writing very little down. You decide to use exploratory testing as a primary testing technique.
Which of the following statements is true about your test condition document or documents?
A. It will have three levels. The first level will be classic quality risks, the second will be level failure modes, and the third level will be the effects of those failure modes.
B. It will have three levels. The first level will be ISO 9126 quality characteristics, the second level will be ISO 9126 sub characteristics, and the third level will be quality risk items.
C. It will have two levels. The first level will be user requirements and the second level i8rill be system requirements.
D. It will have one level. It will be a set of test charters, where each test charter states the test objectives to be covered and gives some ideas about how to test those objectives.
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Q. 8: Assume you are working at a bank. The management of the information technology group is concerned about potential security problems in the code that runs the bank’s critical infrastructure. What kind of tool is likely to be useful in evaluating the risk?
A. Test execution
B. Test management
C. Static analysis
D. Fault injection
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Sample Questions in context of CTAL Syllabus Chapter 2: Testing Processes
Q. 9: Which of the following classifications spans all four steps in the IEEE 1044 classification process?
A. Recognition
B. Investigation
C. Impact identification
D. Disposition
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Q. 10: As a test analyst, which of the following roles would you expect to play in test estimation?
A. Participating in a wide-band Delphi session
B. Performing Test Point Analysis
C. Researching industry averages
D. Obtaining management commitment to a test budget
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
could you plz put questions the it in a pdf format to be printable ?
If you\’re looking to buy these articels make it way easier.
Where can the answers be found so I can check against what I answered?
are these questions applicable for the new syllabus
Please can i get the compiled questions an answers for CTAL. I will appreciate if anyone can email it to me.
Thanks in Advance.
Hello All,
Can anyone tell me if the site reflects any changes done to the 2012 syllabus or if there are any changes done to the 2012 syllabus?
Thanks in Advance