Check your Skills on White Box Testing-through Objective Type Questions
(Set of 10 Questions)
Q. 1: A testing which checks the internal logic of the program is
A. Black box testing
B. White box testing
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
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Q. 2: The Cyclomatic Complexity, V(G) was developed by
A. Howard
B. McCabe
C. Boehm
D. None of the above.
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Q. 3: A node with in degree = 0 and out degree � 0 is known as
A. Source node
B. Destination node
C. Transfer node
D. None of the above.
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Q. 4: A node with in degree � 0 and out degree = 0 is known as
A. Source node
B. Destination node
C. Predicate node
D. None of the above
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Q. 5: The Cyclomatic Complexity, V(G) is given by which formula
A. V(G) = e – n + 2
B. V(G) = e – 2n + P
C. V(G) = e – 2n
D. None of the above
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Q. 6: A predicate node is the one, which has
A. Two outgoing edges
B. No outgoing edges
C. Three or more outgoing edges
D. None of the above
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Q. 7: An independent path is the one
A. That is a complete path from source to destination node
B. That is a path which introduces at least one new set of processing statements
C. That is a path which introduces at most one new set of processing statements
D. None of the above
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Q. 8: The size of the graph matrix is
A. Number of edges in the flow graph
B. V Number of nodes in the flow graph
C. Number of paths in the flow graph
D. Number of independent paths.
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Q. 9: In data flow testing, objective is to find
A. All dc-paths that are not du-paths
B. V All du-paths
C. All du-paths that are not dc-paths
D. All dc-paths
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Q. 10: Mutation testing is related to
A. Fault seeding
B. Functional testing
C. Fault checking
D. None of the above
Read the Answers of All The Above Questions
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.