What are the prime considerations in Automated Testing?
Automation makes life easier for testers for better reproduction of test results, coverage and reduction in effort. With automation we can produce better and more effective metrics that can help in understanding the state of health of a product in a quantifiable way, thus taking us to the next change.
As a widely accepted industry practice, following considerations are kept in mind while performing testing with automated tools:
1) Clear and reasonable expectations should be established in order to know what can and what cannot be accomplished with automated testing in the organization.
2) There should be clear understanding of the requirements that should be met in order to achieve successful automated testing. This requires that the technical personnel should use the tools effectively.
3) The organization should have detailed, reusable test cases which contain exact expected results and a stand alone test environment with a restorable database.
4) Testing tool should be cost-effective.
The tool must ensure that test cases developed for manual testing are also useful for automated testing.5) Select a tool that allows the implementation of automated testing in a way that conforms to the specified long-term testing strategy.
Automated tools like “Mothora” are used for creating & executing test cases, measuring their adequacy, finding input – output correctness, locating & removing errors or bugs & controlling & doing documentation of the test.
Similarly, “BugTrapper” is used to perform white box testing. This tool traces the path of execution and captures the bug along with the path of execution and the different input values that resulted in the error.
Following few automated Software Testing tools are commonly used:
Tool Supplier | Testing Tools | |
1 | HP | QuickTest Professional
LoadRunner |
2 | IBM / Rational | Rational Functional Tester
Requirements Pro Robot |
3 | Segue | Silk Test
Silk Performer Silk Central |
4 | Compuware | Reconcile
QA Load QA Run |
It may be any phase of software development life cycle (SDLC), automated tools are always there.
We use tools like MS Project etc. for project management. Design tools like object modeling technique (OMT), testing tools like flow graph generator are also available in the market.
Regression testing tools, which are generally known as Computer Aided Software Testing Tools (CAST), are finally used during testing life cycle.
A few other tools used in the industry are listed here:
Testing Tool | Tool Supplier | Type of Application | |
1 | SOA Manager | Rational (IBM) | Test management |
2 | Review Pro | Software Development Technologies (SDT) | Review management |
3 | Visual Quality | McCabe and his associates | Cyclomatic complexities of source code |
4 | Java Scope | Sun Microsystems | Coverage analysis |
5 | Bounds Checker | Compuware | Memory testing |
6 | CA-Datamacs/II | Computer Associates | Database generators |
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.