Tutorial-9 How to define a regular expression in an object checkpoint in QTP
How to define a regular expression in an object checkpoint in QTP
This short tutorial guides you to the process of defining a regular expression in an object checkpoint
in QTP.
Step 1: Display the concerned page, window, or screen containing the text desired to be checked.
Step 2:
Go to “Insert” > “Checkpoint” > “Text Checkpoint”, or click on the arrow next to the “Insert Checkpoint” button and choose “Text Checkpoint” option.
Step 3:
Click the text string for which we want to create our checkpoint.
Step 4:
Select the object for which we are creating the checkpoint. This will open the“Text Checkpoint Properties” dialog box.
Step 5:
Click “Constant” in the Edit value section.
Step 6:
Click the “Edit Constant Value Options” button. This will open the “Constant Value Options” dialog box.
Step 7:
Select the “Regular Expression” check box.
Step 8:
Enter the regular expression syntax for the string in the Value box.
Step 9:
Click “OK” to close the “Constant Value Options” dialog box.
Step 10:
Click “OK” to save and close “Text Checkpoint Properties” dialog box.
Many More Tutorials on HP QTP 11.0

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