Tutorial-5 How do we record data verification point for test objects using RFT
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This short tutorial describes a method of recording a data verification points for test objects using RFT.
The purpose of creating verification points is to verify that a particular desired action has taken place, or to verify the state of an object.
Step – 1: Start the Recording:
a) In RFT Java Scripting, click the “Record a Functional Tester Script” button on the Functional Tester toolbar or the “File” > “New” > “Functional Tester Script Using Recorder” menu command to start recording a script.
b) In RFT VB.NET Scripting, click the “Record a Functional Tester Script” button on the Functional Tester toolbar or the “File” > “New” > “Add Script Using Recorder” menu command to start recording a script.
Step – 2: Start the test application by clicking the “Start Application” button in the RFT Recording Monitor.
Step – 3: Locate the list in the application which is intended to be tested.
Step – 4: In the RFT Recording Monitor, click the “Insert Verification Point or Action Command” button on the toolbar.
Step – 5: On the “Select an Object” page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard, use the Object Finder to select the list in the application intended to be tested. To test the entire list, we can select any item in the list.
Step – 6: After selecting the list, we can see that one of the values shown on the Object recognition properties grid is “list.” Verify this “List” and click Next.
Step – 7: Go to the “Select an Action” page. Select the first option on the page i.e. “Perform Data Verification Point” option.
Step – 8: In the “Data Value” field, select either of the following:
a) “List Elements” – to test the contents of the entire list. or
b) “Selected List Elements” test – to test only the items which are selected.
Step – 9: In the “Verification Point Name” field, accept the default suggestion, or provide a new name of own choice.
Step – 10: Use the “Include Retry Parameters” to set a retry time for a verification point during playback to check for its existence. This retry option shall be helpful to us when playback will fail to find the verification point in the application.
Step – 11: After accepting or editing the above fields, click “Next” to continue.
Step – 12: After viewing or editing the list data, click “Finish” button. This will record the verification point & it will be added to the script.
Step – 13: Finish the recording by clicking the “Stop Recording” button on the “Recording Monitor” toolbar.
We can open the Verification Point Editor any time to edit the data recorded earlier.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
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