Tutorial-3 What steps are needed to be performed for setting up the RFT
A suggestion of great value:
Before practicing these Tutorials on “Rational Functional Tester – IBM RFT”, it is recommended that you acquire a preliminary working knowledge of using this wonderful tool –“Rational Functional Tester”. This can be easily attained by careful study of the“Frequently Asked Questions � FAQ�s” brought to you by this web site for the first time by Clicking on the following link:
Learn the Basics of RFT through FAQ’s
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This short tutorial describes various steps required for setting up the RFT.
Use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which gets installed while loading
RFT and gets enabled for testing Java applications.Before starting recording of any script following steps are essential:
Step – 1: Setting up the logging options. RFT provides many logging options. Here we can use the HTML log.
a) To verify that HTML logging is set, click “Window” > “Preferences”.
b) In the left pane of the Preferences window, expand “Functional Test” > then “Playback” > click “Logging”.
c) Verify that the Use “Default” check box is selected and that html appears in the “Log type” field.
d) Click “OK”.
These setting of Step -1, shall open the HTML log automatically after playing back of a script.
Step – 2: Creation of a Functional Tester project
a) In the Functional Tester menu, click “File” > “New” > “Functional Test Project”.
b) Provide a logical “Project name” without any spaces for example – Testtutorial.
c) Provide a logical “Project location” for example – C:Testproject. This will create a new folder.
d) If the source control option is available, do not select “Add the project to Source Control”.
e) If the associate project option is available, do not select “Associate the Functional Test Project with current Rational Project”.
f) Click “Finish”.
The Testtutorial project is now visible in the Functional Test Projects view, which is the left pane in the RFT perspective.
Many More Tutorials on IBM RFT

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.