Tutorial-12 How to Create a Datapool using IBM-Rational Functional Tester-RFT
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This article presents a simple method of creating a Datapool using IBM – RFT
Brief Introduction to Datapools:
A datapool is a test dataset, a collection of related data records which supplies realistic data values to the variables in a test script during test script playback. We can create data from scratch or import existing data into a new datapool from another RFT datapool, an IBM Rational TestManager datapool, or a .csv file.Rules for working with datapools:
1) When we import data, we ensure that we import the data into the same RFT project as the test scripts that access the data.
2) If we want to import data from a TestManager datapool, we need to first associate a RFT project with a Rational project to use the TestManager datapool.
Steps for Creating a Datapool are as under:
Step – 1: Click “Create a Test Datapool”.
Step – 2: Applicable for RFT – Java Scripting:
2a) Either type the path to the folder we want or use the navigation tools (“Home“, “Back“, and “Go Into“) to select the path.
2b) Type the name of the new datapool.
2c) If we want to create the RFT project in a ClearCase directory, optionally, select “Add the datapool to ClearCase”.
2d) Next use either of the following steps according to need:
# To create an empty datapool, if there is a filename in the “Import From” list, select the filename and delete it, and then click “Finish”.
# To import data into the datapool, click “Next”, and then proceed to Step – 4.
Step – 3: Applicable for RFT – VB.NET Scripting:
3a) Type the name of the new datapool.
3b) Either type the path to the desired folder or click “Browse” to browse to the path and folder.
3c) Click “Open”.
3d) If we want to create the RFT project in a ClearCase VOB, we can add the datapool to ClearCase after creating it.
3e) Next use either of the following steps according to need:
# To create an empty datapool, if there is a filename in the “Import From” list, select the filename and delete it, and then click “Finish”.
# To import data into the datapool, go to the next step.
Step – 4: Importing of Data: To import data from a RFT or IBM Rational TestManager datapool, or from a .csv file take one of the following steps:
# To import a .csv file:
4a) Type the path and filename of an existing .csv file, click the “Import From” arrow to select from a list of ten recently imported files, or click “Browse” to select the path and filename.
4b) Type one to three field separator characters to use in the file we want to import.
Remember that RFT must use the same field separator character as the one used in the.csv file from which we are importing data. If we are not sure which field separator characters to specify, use a text editor to open the .csv file and see the field separator characters that are used.
4c) “Select First Record is Variable Information” to make the first row of the imported data, the header of a new datapool.
If we clear “First Record is Variable Information”, the first record in the .csv file is imported as data and the headers use the default headers, such as data0, data1, etc.“First Record is Variable Information” is unavailable if the file we select to import is not a .csv file or not a TestManager file.
# To import a RFT datapool:
4a) Click the “Import From” arrow to display a list of ten recently imported files, and then select a RFT datapool from the list.
4b) Type the path and filename of an existing RFT datapool.
4c) Click “Browse” to select the path and filename of an existing RFT Datapool.
# To import a TestManager datapool:
Click “Browse TM” to select the path and filename of the TestManager datapool we want to import. RFT automatically extracts the header information from the associated TestManager.spc file.
Step – 5: Click “Finish”.
A newly created datapool gets displayed.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.