Software Testing-Question Bank: Q. 91 to 100
Q. 91: What is LCSAJ?
LCSAJ means “Linear Code Sequence And Jump”. It consists of the following three items like:
1) The start of the linear sequence of executable statements.
2) The end of the linear sequence.
3) The target line to which control flow is transferred at the end of the linear sequence.
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Q. 92: What is Measure of Completeness in software testing?
In software testing there are two measures of completeness, code
coverage and path coverage.Code coverage is a white box testing technique to determine how much of a program’s source code has been tested. There are several fronts on which code coverage is measured. Code coverage provides a final layer of testing because it searches for the errors that were missed by the other test cases.
Whereas Path coverage establishes whether every potential route through a segment of code has been executed and tested.
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Q. 93: What is Pair Programming?
Pair Programming is a software development approach whereby lines of code of a component are written by two programmers sitting at a single computer. This means ongoing real-time code reviews are performed.
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Q. 94: What is N+1 Testing?
N+1 Testing is a variation of Regression Testing. It involves testing conducted with multiple cycles in which errors found in test cycle ‘N’ are resolved and the solution is re-tested in test cycle N+1. The cycles are typically repeated until the solution reaches a steady state and there are no errors.
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Q. 95: What is Error Seeding?
Error Seeding is the process of intentionally adding known defects to those already in the component or system for the purpose of monitoring the rate of detection and removal, and estimating the number of remaining defects.
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Q. 96: What is Extreme Programming?
Extreme Programming called XP in short is a deliberate and disciplined approach to software development.
XP is extremely successful since it lays maximum stress on the customer satisfaction. XP methodology is designed to deliver the software as per the customer needs and at a time when it is needed.
While following XP methodology the developers confidently respond to fast changing requirements of the customer may be quite late in the life cycle.
XP methodology lays emphasis on an excellent team work. Managers, customers, and developers are all part of a team dedicated to delivering quality software.
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Q. 97: What is the difference between an application server and a Web server?
Web server serves pages for viewing in a Web browser, while an application server provides methods that client applications can call.
A little more precisely, we can say that, a Web server exclusively handles HTTP requests, whereas an application server serves business logic to application programs through any number of protocols.
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Q. 98: What is Cause Effect Analysis?
Cause effect analysis is an approach for studying the specifications carefully and identifying the combinations of input conditions or causes and their effect in the form of a table and designing test cases.
It is suitable for applications in which combinations of input conditions are few and readily visible.
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Q. 99: What is Error Guessing?
Error guessing is a supplementary technique of test case design involving test case design based on the tester’s intuition and experience. There is no formal procedure. However, a checklist of common errors is taken for reference.
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Q. 100: What is Basis Path Testing?
Basis Path Testing is white box testing method involving design of test cases to cover every statement, every branch and every condition in the code which has been written.
This method attempts statement coverage, decision coverage and condition coverage
Continue to Next Part : Q 101 to 110

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
This site is really really good and have exhaustive info for all the testers. Thank you Genius.