Software Testing-Question Bank: Q. 11 to 20
Q. 11: What is the difference between Bug Priority & Bug Severity?
“Bug Priority” is the need on how urgently bug is needed to be fixed. It describes the importance of the bug. Bug priority may change according to the schedule of testing.
Whereas “Bug Severity” is the quantum of danger as to how badly the bug can harm the system. It describes as to how bad the bug is. Severity is a feature of constant nature associated with the bug.
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Q. 12: What is difference between Waterfall Model and V Model?
sans-serif”>”Waterfall Model” Is a sequential software development model (a process for the creation of software) in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing (validation), integration, and maintenance. To follow the waterfall model, we proceed from one phase to the next in a purely sequential manner. In traditional waterfall model, testing comes at the fag end of the development process. Whereas “V Model” or “Life Cycle Testing” involves carrying out verification of consistency, completeness and correctness of software at every stage of the development life cycle. It aims at catching the defects as early as possible and thus reduces the cost of fixing them. It involves continuously testing the system during all stages of the development process rather than just limiting testing to the last stage.
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Q. 13: What are Baseline Documents?
Baseline documents are the documents, which have been approved by the customer and will not have any more changes. Baseline Documents cover all the details of the project and have undergone “walkthrough” process. Once a document is Base-lined it cannot be changed unless there is a change request duly approved by the customer. Service Level Agreement (SLA) & Business Requirement Documents (BRD) are the examples of Baseline Documents.
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Q. 14: What is Defect Density?
“Defect Density” Is a software metric defined as: Total number of defects per LOC (lines of code). Alternatively It can be: Total number of defects per Size of the Project. Here the measure of “Size of the Project” can be number of Function Points, Number of Feature Points, number of Use Cases or KLOC (Kilo Lines of Code) etc
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Q. 15: What is Negative Testing?
“Negative Testing” involves testing the application for failure like conditions. It involves testing the tool with improper inputs. For example entering the special characters in place of a phone number.
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Q. 16: What is Incremental Integration Testing?
“Incremental Integration Testing” Involves continuous testing of an application while new functionality is simultaneously added. It requires that various aspects of an application’s functionality be independent enough to work separately before all parts of the program are completed. This testing is done either by programmers or by testers.
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Q. 17: What is the difference between Unit Testing, Component Testing and Integration Testing?
“Unit Testing” involves testing of individual programs, modules, or components to demonstrate that the program executes as per the specification and it validates the design and technical quality of the application. In Unit Testing, the Called Components (or Communicating Components) are replaced with Stubs, Simulators, or Trusted Components. Testing Stubs or Drivers are used to simulate the behavior of interfacing modules.
“Component Testing” is like “Unit Testing” with the difference that all Stubs and Simulators are replaced with the real objects. Here a Unit is a component, and integration of one or more such components is also a Component.
Whereas “Integration Testing” is the test process which begins after two or more programs components have been successfully unit tested. It is conducted by the development team to validate the interaction or communication/flow of information between the individual components that will be integrated.
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Q. 18: What is the difference between Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage and Path Coverage?
“Statement Coverage” is a type of “White-Box Testing” technique, involving execution of all statements at least once. Statement coverage is a simple metric to calculate & measure the number of statements in a method or class which have been executed. Its key benefit is its ability to identify which blocks of code have not been executed.
“Branch Coverage” is an outcome of a decision, and measures the number of decision outcomes or branches, which have been tested. This takes a more in-depth view of the source code rather than a simple “Statement Coverage”. A branch is an outcome of a decision. For example Boolean decisions like an “If – Statement”, has two outcomes or branches (i.e. True and False).
Whereas “Path Coverage” is a method of testing which satisfies the coverage criteria through which the program is tested across each logical path. Usually, paths through the program are grouped into a finite set of classes and one path out of every class is tested. In Path Coverage flow of execution takes place from the start of a method to its exit. Path Coverage ensures that we test all decision outcomes independently of one another.
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Q. 19: What is the difference between Ad-hoc Testing, Monkey Testing and Exploratory Testing?
“Ad-hoc Testing” is performed without any planning of process and without any documentation like Test Case or Test Scenarios. It involves test design and simultaneous test execution. For Ad-hoc testing the testers possess significant understanding of the software before testing it.
“Monkey Testing” is done with no specific test in mind. Here the monkey is the producer of any input data (which can be either a file data or can be an input device data). It involves pressing some keys randomly and checking whether the software fails or not.
Whereas “Exploratory Testing” involves simultaneous learning, test design and test execution. It is a type of “Ad-hoc Testing”, but only difference is that in this case, the tester does not have much idea about the application & he explores the system in an attempt to learn the application and simultaneously test it.
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Q. 20: What is the difference between System Testing and End-to-End Testing or E2E Testing?
“System Testing” falls within the scope of Black-Box testing and the tester requires no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic. It is conducted on a complete / combined part of a system to verify that all-functional, information, structural and quality requirements as per the specifications have been met.
“End-to-End Testing” or “E2E Testing” is also quite similar to “System Testing”. It involves testing of the application in a environment that simulates the real-world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems.
Continue to Next Part : Q 21 to 30

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
Hi Sir,
I have been working as a manual tester for 4 years in a software company in Kolkata and would like do certification in manual testing for better opportunities.Kindly suggest what type of course and certification I can take up and do you have any institution where you impart testing courses in kolkata?
Thanks and Regards
Debashree Roy