Skill Test-A must for Team Leads and QA Managers-Q 21 to 30
(Questions, solution or answers of which must be known to each & every Software QA Manager)
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 11 to Q 20 are at the end of this page:
Set of 10 Questions
Q. 21: Michael Fagan recommended that inspection meetings last no longer than:
A. One hour.
B. Two hours.
C. Three hours.
D. Four hours.
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Q. 22: The following document is most closely associated with the software development estimation effort:
A. Requirements document.
B. Project plan.
C. Test plan.
D. Design specification.
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Q. 23: The following illustrates the internal control flow of an application:
A. Logical process diagrams.
B. State diagrams.
C. Sequence diagrams.
D. Control flow diagrams.
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Q. 24: Static analysis is best performed:
A. Before code review.
B. After code review.
C. As part of code review.
D. As part of static testing.
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Q. 25: The inspection team must include at least one of the following:
A. Author.
B. Inspector.
C. Inspection team lead.
D. System architect.
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Q. 26: A development team using the Rational Unified Process successfully will benefit from:
A. Daily SCRUM meetings.
B. An extensive collection of guidance.
C. An elevated level of abstraction.
D. A team-based rather than a role-based approach.
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Q. 27: It is recommended that the internal view of the design review checklist:
A. Be reviewed after the external design has been completed.
B. Omit exception handling since this is fully documented in the external design.
C. Be designed prior to the external design for legacy systems or applications.
D. Be designed only by experienced developers.
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Q. 28: Which review technique is used when the code under review is dynamic?
A. Comparison.
B. Control flow.
C. Contract.
D. Iterative.
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Q. 29: Test reuse delivers most of its return on investment during which phase?
A. Design.
B. Implementation.
C. Execution.
D. Maintenance.
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Q. 30: Exceptions are in application code, outside of the ordinary scope of application operation.
A. Leaks.
B. Propagations.
C. Errors.
D. Triggers.
Correct Answer of the above Questions
Many More Articles on QA Managers Skill Review Test
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 11 to Q 20 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 11 | B |
Q. 12 | C |
Q. 13 | B |
Q. 14 | B |
Q. 15 | C |
Q. 16 | A |
Q. 17 | B |
Q. 18 | C |
Q. 19 | D |
Q. 20 | C |

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.