Rehearsal of LoadRunner in 1 Hr: Interview Questions 51 – 60
While appearing in an interview for a position on HP LoadRunner, do a quick rehearsal of your knowledge on this tool.
Here is a collection of 80 short questions on LoadRunner & Load-Testing, the Test Managers commonly use while interviewing new aspirants for their organization.
The entire rehearsal of these questions can take less than an hour.
Set of Ten Questions
Q.51: How many types of Goals are there in Goal-Oriented Scenario?
Load Runner provides following types of goals in a goal oriented scenario:
1) The number of concurrent Vusers
2) The number of hits per second
3) The number of transactions per second
4) The number of pages per minute
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Q.52: What is correlation? Explain the difference between automatic correlation and manual correlation?
Correlation is used to obtain data which are unique for each run of the script and which are generated by nested queries. Correlation provides the value to avoid errors arising out of duplicate values and also optimizing the code (to avoid nested queries).
Automatic correlation is where we set some rules for correlation. It can be application server specific. Here values are replaced by data which are created by these rules. In manual correlation, the value we want to correlate is scanned and create correlation is used to correlate.
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Q.53: Where do you set automatic correlation options?
Automatic correlation from web point of view, can be set in recording options and correlation tab. Here we can enable correlation for the entire script and choose either issue online messages or offline actions, where we can define rules for that correlation.
Automatic correlation for database, can be done using show output window and scan for correlation and picking the correlate query tab and choose which query value we want to correlate. If we know the specific value to be correlated, we just do create correlation for the value and specify how the value to be created.
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Q.54: What is the utility of Analysis module of HP LoadRunner?
LoadRunner enables you to test your system under controlled and peak load conditions.
Whereas Analysis module of LoadRunner provides in�depth reports and graphs hilighting the information that you need to evaluate the performance of your application.
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Q.55: What is Analysis Graphs?
It is a tool to view a summary of the results after the load test scenario execution.
The Analysis graphs help you determine system performance and provide information about transactions and Vusers. You can compare multiple graphs by combining results from several load test scenarios or merging several graphs into one.
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Q.56: What is the Graph Data and Raw Data views?
These are the tool to view a summary of the results after the load test scenario execution.
The Graph Data and Raw Data views display the actual data used to generate the graph in a spreadsheet format. You can copy this data into external spreadsheet applications for further processing.
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Q.57: How do we create Analysis Sessions?
When you run a load test scenario, data is stored in a result file with an .lrr extension. Analysis is the utility that processes the gathered result information and generates graphs and reports.
When you work with the Analysis utility, you work within a session.
An Analysis session contains at least one set of scenario results (.lrr file).
Analysis stores the display information and layout settings for the active graphs in a file with an .lra extension.
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Q.58: How do we launch the Analysis utility?
You can open Analysis as an independent application or directly from the Controller.
To open Analysis as an independent application, choose one of the following:
# Start > Programs > LoadRunner > Applications > Analysis
# Start > Programs > LoadRunner > LoadRunner, select the Load Testing tab,and then click Analyze Load Tests.
To open Analysis directly from the Controller:
Select Results > Analyze Results.
This option is only available after running a load test scenario. Analysis takes the latest result file from the current scenario, and opens a new session using these results.
You can also instruct the Controller to automatically open Analysis after it completes scenario execution by selecting Results > Auto Load Analysis.
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Q.59: How can we view the summary of the data when we happen to process heavy data say more than 100 Mb?
In large load test scenarios, with results exceeding 100 MB, it can take a long time for Analysis to process the data. While LoadRunner is processing the complete data, you can view a summary of the data.
To view the summary data, choose Tools > Options, and select the Result Collection tab. To process the complete data graphs while you view the summary data, select Display summary data while generating complete data, or select Generate summary data only if you do not want LoadRunner to process the complete Analysis data.
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Q.60: What type of Analysis graphs are available?
Try to remember names & utility of few of the graphs & present in case of need in the interview.
Following types of graphs are available in Analysis module of LoadRunner.
1) Vuser Graphs: Provide information about Vuser states and other Vuser statistics.
2) Error Graphs: Provide information about the errors that occurred during the load test scenario.
3) Transaction Graphs: Provide information about transaction performance and response time.
4) Web Resource Graphs: Provide information about the throughput, hits per second, HTTP responses per second, number of retries per second, and downloaded pages per second for Web Vusers.
5) Web Page Diagnostics Graphs: Provide information about the size and download time of each Web page component.
6) User-Defined Data Point Graphs: Provide information about the custom data points that were gathered by the online monitor.
7) System Resource Graphs: Provide statistics relating to the system resources that were monitored during the load test scenario using the online monitor. This category also includes graphs for SNMP monitoring.
8) Network Monitor Graphs: Provide information about the network delays.
9) Firewall Server Monitor Graphs: Provide information about firewall server resource usage.
10) Web Server Resource Graphs: Provide information about the resource usage for the Apache, iPlanet/Netscape, iPlanet(SNMP), and MS IIS Web servers.
11) Web Application Server Resource Graphs: Provide information about the resource usage for various Web application servers.
12) Database Server Resource Graphs: Provide information about database resources.
13) Streaming Media Graphs: Provide information about resource usage of streaming media.
14) ERP/CRM Server Resource Graphs: Provide information about ERP/CRM server resource usage.
15) Java Performance Graphs: Provide information about resource usage of Java-based applications.
16) Application Component Graphs: Provide information about resource usage of the Microsoft COM+ server and the Microsoft NET CLR server.
17) Application Deployment Solutions Graphs: Provide information about resource usage of the Citrix MetaFrame and 1.8 servers.
18) Middleware Performance Graphs: Provide information about resource usage of the Tuxedo and IBM WebSphere MQ servers.
19) Infrastructure Resources Graphs: Provide information about resource usage of FTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, and DNS Vusers on the network client.
20) Siebel Diagnostics Graphs: Provide detailed breakdown diagnostics for transactions generated on Siebel Web, Siebel App, and Siebel Database servers.
21) Siebel DB Diagnostics Graphs: Provide detailed breakdown diagnostics for SQLs generated by transactions on the Siebel system.
22) Oracle 11i Diagnostics Graphs: Provide detailed breakdown diagnostics for SQLs generated by transactions on the Oracle NCA system.
23) SAP Diagnostics Graphs: Provide detailed breakdown diagnostics for SAP data generated by transactions on the SAP Server.
24) J2EE & .NET Diagnostics Graphs: Provide information to trace, time, and troubleshoot individual transactions through J2EE & .NET Web, application, and database servers.
Next Set of LoadRunner Rehearsal Questions 61 – 70
Rehearsal of QTP in 1 Hr. Interview Questions
An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.