Quality Center Certification Skill Test:Q. 81 to 90
Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions on HP Quality Center 9.2 under the Series
(Quickly Review Your HP – QC Skills before appearing for HP Certification Exam HP0-M15)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 71 to Q 80 are at the end of this page:
Q. 81: You can define a logo for the project document, and save the image so that it is available for other users in the current
project. If you do not select an image, the Document Generator uses the Mercury logo in the project document.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 82: While specifying Requirements module data (Generating Project Documents) Microsoft Word is limited to _________ header levels in the table of contents.
A. Seven
B. Eight
C. Nine
D. Ten
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Q. 83: You use the _________ pages to specify the information from the test plan tree view of the Test Plan module that should appear in the project document.
A. Subject Tree
B. Subject Tests
C. Subject plans
D. Both A & B
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Q. 84: You use the _________ pages to specify the information from the Test Lab module that should appear in the project document.
A. Tests Lab, Test Set, Tests, and Run
B. Test Labs, Test Sets, Tests, and Runs
C. Test Lab, Test Gets, Tests, and Runs
D. Test Lab, Test Sets, Tests, and Runs
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Q. 85: You can generate a _________ that enables you to quickly see how the document will look, without all the detail included.
A. View project document
B. Preview project document
C. Pre project document
D. None
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Q. 86: You can generate Excel reports that enable you to export Quality Center data to Microsoft Excel and analyze the data from within Excel.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 87: You can export Quality Center data to Microsoft Excel. You cannot create a report with parameters.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 88: Most of the Excel Reports functionality is unavailable if you belong to a user group that has the necessary permissions.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 89: After you have added a report to the Excel Reports tree, you must define which project data you want to include in the report. You define this data by creating _______ to extract the data.
A. Test Queries
B. Lotus Queries
C. Excel Macros
D. SQL queries
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Q. 90: To view the database type used for your project database, click the ________ button.
A. Database in use
B. Database Type
C. Get Database
D. Database version
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 71 to Q 80 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 71 | C |
Q. 72 | D |
Q. 73 | A |
Q. 74 | B |
Q. 75 | A |
Q. 76 | D |
Q. 77 | A |
Q. 78 | D |
Q. 79 | A |
Q. 80 | A |

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Oh yeah, faublous stuff there you!