PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1661 to 1670
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Set of 10 Questions
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Q. 1661: The network project has been very challenging. The cost performance index is presently 0.95 and the schedule performance index is 0.91. The risk could have been managed better from the start of this project. Halfway through the execution of the project management plan, the Project Manager assigned one person to do nothing but monitor for risks and work with the people who implemented the risk response plans. What would be the main goal to achieve from Risk Monitoring and Controlling?
A. Qualitative analysis
B. Corrective action
C. Overall Risk ranking for the project
D. Quantitative analysis
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1662: Your company is evaluating two projects for consideration. Project A has a 40% probability of $69,000 US and a 60% probability of -$10,000 US. Project B has a 60% probability of $56,000 US and a 40% probability of -$15,000 US. Which of the projects would you select based on the greatest expected monetary value?
A. Project A
B. Project B
C. Project A and B are of even value
D. The expected monetary value is not high enough on either to make a selection
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1663: The Project Manager and team are planning a banking software project. They are discussing what could go differently than planned on the project. They are also trying to identify warning signs that would show that these events could be on the verge of occurring. What are these warning signs called?
A. Risk analysis
B. Triggers
C. Problem solving
D. Risks
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1664: The information technology system for the national power grid has been working well. Today, the main control processor crashed, disabling the west coast delivery of power to four states. Implementation of the risk response plan didn’t fix the problem. Which of the following steps would they perform first?
A. Determine why the risk response plan failed
B. Fix the problem
C. Determine why the problem happened
D. Adjust the risk response plan
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1665: Ranking risks is performed in which of the following?
A. Workarounds
B. Risk triggers
C. Qualitative Risk Analysis
D. Expected monetary value (EMV)
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1666: Which of the following best relates to unknown unknowns?
A. Schedule reserves
B. Risk management
C. Contingency reserves
D. Management reserves
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1667: The project team is performing risk analysis. They are evaluating a risk that has a very high probability of occurring, and if it does it could cause the company to go out of business. Which of the following will the risk likely be analyzed with?
A. Insurable risk
B. Qualitative Risk Analysis
C. Pure risk
D. Quantitative Risk Analysis
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1668: The consulting company has created the scope of work for the project. They are in the process of creating a schedule and budget. They have added time into the schedule for the delays that always happen. They are also allocating money into the budget for more computers and software that are usually needed beyond what is initially forecast. These items are an example of what?
A. Unknown unknowns
B. Known unknowns
C. Risk management
D. Management reserve
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1669: The team on the router and switch upgrade project is involved in planning the project. They are performing Risk Response Planning. They are assigning risk owners. What is the main responsibility of the risk owner?
A. Watching for additional risks on the project
B. Watching for risk triggers and telling the Project Manager if they happen
C. Letting the Project Manager know that the risk has happened
D. Implementing a risk response plan if the risk event occurs
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1670: The Crosswind broadcasting has recently been awarded a large contract to create a new children’s television show. This will require the company to move into a new office complete with production facilities 300% larger than what it presently has. The schedule is tight for this new project, and there can be no delay. The new facility is behind schedule with the sets and production facilities on pace to finish two months late. The company is trying to use an incentive fee to motivate the provider of these services to complete the work as quickly as possible even if it results in a smaller delay. This is an example of what type of risk response?
A. Avoid
B. Accept
C. Transfer
D. Mitigate
Section: Mix Questions
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