PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1501 to 1510
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1501: You are a project manager leading the construction project of a new garbage incinerator. Local residents and environmental groups are opposed to this project because of its environmental impact. Management agrees with your request to partner with a third party that will be responsible for providing state-of-the-art “air scrubbers,” to clean the exhaust to an acceptable level. This decision will delay the project but will allow it to continue. It is an example of which following risk response?
A. Passive acceptance
B. Active acceptance
C. Mitigation
D. Transference
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Risk transference is shifting some or all negative impact of a threat and the ownership of the response to the threat to a third party. It does not eliminate the threat posed by an adverse risk.
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Q. 1502: All the following are processes in project procurement management EXCEPT:
A. Terminate procurements
B. Control procurements
C. Plan procurement management
D. Close procurements
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Termination is a word used to define a contract ending through mutual agreement by both parties, the default of one party, or for the convenience of the buyer.
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Q. 1503: Working in the systems integration field, you are primarily responsible for coordinating the work of numerous subcontractors. Your current project is coming to an end. You have 15 major subcontractors as well as a variety of other sellers. Now that you are closing contracts (procurements), you should:
A. Conduct a trend analysis
B. Use earned value to assess lessons learned
C. Ask each contractor to meet with you individually at its own expense
D. Conduct a procurement audit
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The procurement audit attempts to identify successes and failures relative to the procurement process especially in terms of the preparation or administration of other procurement contracts on the project or on other projects in the organization. Uncovering and reporting both successes and failures can contribute to the project management knowledge base and improve the quality of project management services. A procurement audit should be conducted as part of the close procurements process.
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Q. 1504: You are managing a moderately risky project. You have done well-identifying risks and assessing them both on the probability of the risk event occurring and on the level of impact that the risk could have on your project if it actually occurred. But to help with a “next” level of qualitative risk analysis, you could use a:
A. Risk priority assessment
B. Risk quality assessment
C. Risk urgency assessment
D. Quantitative risk analysis
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Risks that may occur in the near-term need urgent attention. The purpose of the risk urgency assessment is to identify those risks that have a high likelihood of occurring. Assessing risk urgency can be combined with the risk ranking that is determined from the probability and impact matrix for a final risk severity rating.
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Q. 1505: You are identifying possible risks to your project concerning the development of a nutritional supplement. You want to reach out to your experts and build consensus on the risks that qualitative and quantitative risk analysis can address later. Although you can use various techniques, a key information gathering technique that helps to build consensus is:
A. Documentation review
B. Probability/impact analysis
C. Checklist analysis
D. Delphi technique
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
When consensus is necessary, the Delphi technique is a frequently used information gathering technique. A facilitator first sends out a questionnaire to the experts to solicit ideas. The responses then are summarized and returned to the experts for further comment. Consensus generally is reached after a few such rounds. The Delphi technique helps to reduce bias in the data and the undue influence of one person on the outcome.
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Q. 1506: Managing five contractors on your project for a new stadium in your City that can be used for baseball and for football and can be easily converted for either sport is a challenge along with managing your 15 person project team. You decided to conduct an audit of one of your contractors and are:
A. Using it as a baseline for improvements to the other contracts under way
B. Verifying compliance in the seller’s work processes
C. Accompanying it with a project quality audit
D. Using it for lessons learned documentation
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Inspections and audits are tools and techniques in the control procurements process. They are required by the buyer and supported by the seller in the procurement contracts and can be conducted as the project is executed to verify compliance in the seller’s work processes or deliverables.
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Q. 1507: A weighting system can be used for all but which one of the following reasons?
A. To select a single seller that will be asked to sign a standard contract
B. To establish a negotiating sequence by ranking all proposals by the weighted evaluation scores that have been assigned
C. To quantify qualitative data to minimize possible bias
D. To establish minimum requirements of performance for one or more of the evaluation criteria
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Weighting systems are developed and used to help select the best vendor as part of the proposal evaluation techniques. By assigning a numerical weight to each evaluation criteria, the buyer can emphasize one area as being more important than another. These proposal evaluation techniques are a tool and technique in the conduct procurements process.
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Q. 1508: One way to make it more likely practice project risk management on projects is to:
A. Hold meetings
B. Have the team take an orientation class on risk management early in the project
C. Give one team member the responsibility for risk management working in conjunction with the PMO
D. Assign each team member a risk to own, which is documented in the risk register
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Meetings are a tool and technique in the control risks process. Risk management should be an agenda item at periodic status meetings. While the amount of time needed for risk management will vary depending on the identified risks, their priority, and the difficulty of the response, the more often risk management is practiced, the easier it becomes. Frequent discussions about risk make it more likely that risks and opportunities will be identified.
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Q. 1509: Your firm specializes in roller-coaster construction. It recently received an RFP to build the world’s most “death-defying” roller coaster. You know that such a roller coaster has never been built before and that this would be a high-risk project. You are receiving a cost-plus-award-fee contract, which means:
A. Your fee will be paid for completed work
B. Your fee amount will not change unless there is a scope change
C. Your fee is generally not subject to appeals
D. If your final cost is greater, you will share costs with the buyer based on a pre-negotiated cost sharing formula
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
This contract type reimburses the seller for all legitimate costs, but the majority of the fee is earned only based on the satisfaction of broad subjective performance criteria defined and incorporated in the contract. The fee determination is based on subjective determination of seller performance by the buyer; it generally is not subject to appeals.
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Q. 1510: Work performance information in control risks means that:
A. Recommended preventive or corrective action is considered through change requests
B. Outcomes of risk reassessments and risk audits are documented
C. Templates to the risk management plan and the risk register are recommended
D. A mechanism to communicate and support project decision making is provided
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
All of the answers are outputs in the control risks process, however, work performance information specifically provides a mechanism to communicate and support project decision making.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.