PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1411 to 1420
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1411: You are planning a project and want to account for how the project will be managed in the future. While building your cost performance data, you want to provide guidance for when the project is later executed, because you know that different responses are required depending upon the degree of variance from the baseline. For example, a variance of 10 percent might not require immediate action, whereas a variance of 20 percent will require more immediate action and investigation. You decide to include the details of how to manage the cost variances as part of which following plan?
A. Cost management plan
B. Change management plan
C. Performance measurement plan
D. Variance management plan
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The management and control of costs focuses on variances. Certain variances are acceptable, and others, usually those falling outside a particular range, are unacceptable. The actions taken by the project manager for all variance are described in the cost management plan.
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Q. 1412: Assume that you are managing a project team. Your team is one in which its members confront issues rather than people, establish procedures collectively, and is team oriented. As the project manager, which of the following represents your team’s stage of development and the approach you should use during this time?
A. Storming; high directive and supportive approach
B. Norming; high directive and low supportive approach
C. Norming; high supportive and low directive approach
D. Performing; low directive and supportive approach
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
There are four stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Different leadership styles in terms of the amount of required supportive and directive behavior are appropriate when a team is in a certain development stage. At the norming stage, the third stage in team development, leaders provide high support and low direction.
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Q. 1413: You are finalizing all the contracts and ensuring that they are closed. The close procurements process involves all the following administrative actions EXCEPT:
A. The procurement administrator is reassigned
B. Finalizing open claims
C. Updating the project records to show the final contract results
D. Archiving the contracts and contract records for future use
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The close procurements process looks at the administration of the contract and not the people responsible or involved with the contract.
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Q. 1414: You are working on a project and want to identify the cause of problems in a process by the shape and width of the distribution of the process variables. You should use a:
A. Histogram
B. Pareto chart
C. Scatter diagram
D. Trend analysis
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In a histogram, or a special form of bar chart, each column represents an attribute or characteristic of a problem or situation. The height of each column represents the relative frequency of the characteristic. It describes the central tendency, dispersion, or shape of a statistical distribution.
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Q. 1415: You are working on a construction project in a city different from your headquarters’ location. You and your team have not worked in this city, City B, previously, and you lack knowledge of the local building codes. You had a team member review the codes, and he said they were in far greater detail than those in your city, City A. When you asked him how much time he would need to spend to gain a complete understanding of these codes, he estimated that at least five weeks would be needed. You then decided it would be more cost effective to hire a local person from City B who specializes in this area. As a result, as you prepare your schedule and estimate your resource requirements for this project, you should coordinate this work closely with which of the following processes:
A. Estimate costs
B. Define activities
C. Determine budgets
D. Develop schedule
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The estimate activity resources process involves estimating the type and quantities of material, people, equipment, or supplies needed to perform each activity. This means close coordination with the estimate costs process is needed.
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Q. 1416: Assume that you were the first person in your company to be PMP certified and also that you earned a doctorate in project management. People throughout the organization admired your achievements. Based on your success in managing projects, your company now has adopted a management-by-projects philosophy. You have been appointed head of your company’s project management office to lead the organization as it transitions to this new way of working. So far, people seem to willingly comply with your demands and requests. In this situation, you are using which type of power?
A. Legitimate
B. Expert
C. Contacts
D. Referent
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Legitimate power is formal authority based on a person’s position within the organization. It comes with the right to give orders or make requests.
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Q. 1417: The nature of project work is such that it inevitably causes stress. Project managers thus need to learn how to cope with and manage stress and understand what stress is and why it is created. Project managers need to note that it can be a positive experience depending on how people perceive stress and should work to mentor team members accordingly. As you strive to become more aware of stress, which one of the following is NOT considered a stress-creating factor that is related to the project environment?
A. Role ambiguity
B. Corporate politics
C. Career development
D. Selection of team members
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The main sources of stress are grouped into four categories of stress-creating factors: those related to roles and relationships, those related to the job environment, personal factors, and factors related to the project environment or climate. Role ambiguity is an example of factors related to roles and responsibilities. It occurs when an individual is not clear about his or her job responsibilities.
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Q. 1418: Assume you are working as the project manager on the first project in your company to use the critical chain approach to scheduling. You are a PMP and also are certified in critical chain. You are getting ready for a performance review with your Governance Board, and you can expect they will ask questions about:
A. The magnitude of variance against the schedule baseline
B. Schedule risk
C. Performance to date since the past review meeting
D. The buffer needed and buffer remaining
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Critical chain is an approach in scheduling in which the project team can place buffers on any project schedule path to account for limited resources and project uncertainties. During a performance review, comparing the amount of buffer remaining to the amount of buffer needed to protect the delivery date can help to determine schedule status.
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Q. 1419: You are in the early stages of a project to manufacture disposable medical devices. You need a number of engineers including ones with specialties in mechanical, environmental, and systems engineering. In the early stages of this project, your resource pool includes a large number of both junior and senior engineers in the various specialty areas. However, as the project progresses:
A. Fewer systems engineers will be needed
B. The resource pool can be limited to those people who are knowledgeable about the project
C. To complete the project on time, you will continue to require access to a large number of engineers in their specialty areas
D. You will only need junior level engineers as the senior level people can be used early in the project to mentor and train them
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Resource calendars are an input to the estimate activity resource process and to the estimate activity durations process. They are used to estimate resource use. Early in a project, the resource pool might include people at different levels of expertise in large numbers, but as the project progresses, the resource pool then can be limited to those people who are knowledgeable about the project because of their work on it.
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Q. 1420: A number of approaches can be helpful when estimating resource requirements for activities on a project. Assume you are managing a project and you have already prepared your WBS. When you decomposed your WBS, it has 45 work packages. You then prepared an activity list. Now, you are preparing your schedule and determining your resource requirements. You found there were about 30 activities that you could not estimate with a reasonable degree of confidence, so you and your team decided to use which one of the following approaches to help with these activity resource estimates:
A. Resource breakdown structure
B. Published estimating data
C. Alternatives analysis
D. Bottom-up estimating
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
When an activity cannot be estimated with a reasonable degree of confidence, the work then needs to be decomposed into more detail. The estimates then are aggregated into a total quantity for each of the activity’s resources through a bottom-up approach. These activities may or may not have dependencies between them. However, when dependencies exist, this pattern of use of resources then is documented in the estimated requirements for each activity.
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