ISTQB Foundation Level Exam Crash Course Part-30
This is the Part 30 of 35 containing 5 Questions (Q. 146 to 150) with detailed explanation as expected in ISTQB Foundation Level Exam Latest Syllabus updated in 2011
Deep study of these 175 questions shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB Foundation Level Exam
Q. 146: How do we classify different types of testing tools?
Test tools can be classified according to the type of activity they support. The test tools can be classified according to:
a) Their purpose;
b) The activities within the fundamental test process and the software life cycle with which they are primarily associated;
c) The type of testing that they support;
d) The source of tool (shareware, open source, free or commercial);
e) The technology used;
f) Who uses them.
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Q. 147: How do we use a typical incident management tool?
An incident management tool can be used to raise new defects and process them through the defect life cycle until resolved. It can also be used to check whether defects (or similar defects) have been raised before, especially for defects raised during regression testing.
An incident management tool could also be used to prioritize defects so that developers fix the most important ones first. It could also highlight clusters of defects. This may suggest that more detailed testing needs to be done on the areas of functionality where most defects are being found as it is probable that further defects will be found as well.
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Q. 148: How do you define a build?
A build is a development activity where a complete system is compiled and linked (typically daily) so that a consistent system is available at any time including all the latest changes.
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Q. 149: What are the tests Comparators?
Test Comparators compare the contents of files, databases, XML messages, objects and other electronic data formats. This allows expected results and actual results to be compared. They can also highlight differences and thus provide assistance to developers when localizing and debugging code.
They often have functions that allow specified sections of the file, screen or object to be ignored or masked out. This means that a date or time stamp on a screen or field can be masked out as it is expected to be different when a comparison is performed.
Comparators are particularly useful for regression testing since the contents of output or interface files should usually be the same. This is probably the test tool that provides the single greatest benefit. For instance, manually comparing the contents of a database query containing thousands of rows is time-consuming, error prone and demotivating. The same task can be performed accurately and in a fraction of the time using a Comparators. Comparators are usually included in test execution tools.
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Q. 150: What are the tools that are not meant for testers as such but are extensively used in test organizations?
Other tools that are not designed specifically for testers or developers can also be used to support one or more test activities. These include:
1) Spreadsheets
2) Word processors
3) Email
4) Back-up and restore utilities
5) SQL and other database query tools
6) Project planning tools
7) Debugging tools (although these are more likely to be used by developers than testers).
For example, in the absence of test management or incident management tools, defects could be recorded on word processors and could be tracked and maintained on spreadsheets. Tests passed or failed could also be recorded on spreadsheets.
Part – 31 of the Crash Course – ISTQB Foundation Exam
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
Thanks…i will try to pass with this help!! Regards