ISTQB Foundation Level Exam Crash Course Part-22
This is Part 22 of 35 containing 5 Questions (Q. 106 to 110) with detailed explanation as expected in ISTQB Foundation Level Exam Latest Syllabus updated in 2011
Deep study of these 175 questions shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB Foundation Level Exam
Q. 106: What is the purpose of using Monitoring Tools?
Monitoring tools are used to check whether whole systems or specific system resources are available and whether their performance is acceptable.
Such tools are mainly used in live rather than test environments and are therefore not really testing tools. They tend to be used for monitoring e-commerce, e-business or websites as such systems are more
likely to be affected by factors external to the organization and the consequences can be severe in terms of business lost and bad publicity. Generally, if a website is not available, customers will not report it but will go elsewhere.The use of monitoring tools is generally less important for internal systems as failure is more likely to be noticed only within the organization and contingency plans may also exist. However, the availability of monitoring tools on mainframes, servers and other forms of hardware, means that it is relatively easy to monitor the majority of an organization�s infrastructure.
A monitoring tool may be beneficial to monitor the website. A monitoring tool may also exist as part of the mainframe system. However, it is less likely that monitoring tools will be used for the GUI front-end that is used by internal staff.
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Q. 107: What is the purpose of using Data Quality Assessment Tools?
Data quality assessment tools allow files and databases to be compared against a format that is specified in advance. They are typically used on large-scale data intensive projects such as:
1) Conversion of data used on one system into a format suitable for another system.
2) Migration of data from one system to another.
3) Loading of data into a data warehouse.
Data Quality Assessment tools are not specifically designed for testing purposes. They are used primarily for the migration of production data, but typically the development and testing of a migration project will also use these tools.
The data quality assessment tools could be configured to establish whether the customer data being migrated meets particular quality requirements. These requirements may include:
a) Valid postcodes;
b) Valid title for gender;
c) Numeric values in financial fields;
d) Numeric values in date fields.
The tool could also be used to reconcile file record counts with data held in header and footer records to confirm that the number of records in the file equals the number of records loaded into the database.
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Q. 108: What is the purpose of using Usability Test Tools?
Usability test tools typically record the mouse clicks made by remote usability testers when carrying out a specified task.
Some tools also enable other data to be captured such as screenshots, written comments and voice recordings of verbal comments. This recorded data is generally stored in a database so that it can then be analyzed easily by staff at the organization commissioning the testing.
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Q. 109: How do you define a risk while talking about testing?
When we talk about test management we need to talk about associated risk and how it affects the fundamental test process. If there were no risk of adverse future events in software or hardware development then there would be no need for testing. In other words, if defects did not exist then neither would testing.
Risk can be defined as the chance of an event, hazard, threat or situation occurring and its undesirable consequences:
In other words, risk is can be defined as a factor that could result in future negative consequences, usually expressed as impact and likelihood.
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Q. 110: How many broad types of risks are there & how can we define the level of a risk?
In a project a test leader will use risk in two different ways:
1) Project risks
2) Product risks
In both type of risks the calculation of the risk will be as per the following formula
Level of risk = (Probability of the risk occurring) � (Impact if it did happen)
Part – 23 of the Crash Course – ISTQB Foundation Exam
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.