ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Crash Course Part 11
The following user-friendly questions prepared according to different K-Levels are of great help in reviewing your skills before appearing in ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Certification exam as per the latest syllabus.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 101 to 110) with Explanation in Favour of the Correct Answer
The Correct Answer option has been Hi-lighted in Yellow.
Q. 101: (Level K1) The foundation layer of the ‘Test Pyramid’ is made up of which tests?
A. Unit/component tests.
B. System level tests.
C. Integration level tests
D. Acceptance level tests
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
The test levels from the base of the pyramid to the top are unit / component, integration, system, and acceptance
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Q. 102: (Level K1) What does the term ‘Test Pyramid’ refer to in Agile projects?
A. It is used to help the team understand the
testing coverage for the user story/feature.
B. It can help the team determine how much testing time will be required for each user story.
C. The number of automated tests are greater at the unit level and decrease at the higher levels.
D. It can help the team to find the impacted automated tests due to changes in a feature.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is False – as the workload for each sprint has nothing to do with the Test Pyramid concept.
Option (B) is False – as the testing time for each user story has nothing to do with the Test Pyramid concept.
Option (C) is True – as the test pyramid emphasizes having more tests at the lower levels and a decreasing number of tests at the higher levels.
Option (D) is False – as the number of impacted automated tests due to changes in a feature has nothing to do with the Test Pyramid concept.
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Q. 103: (Level K1) Out of the following which statements about Behaviour-Driven Development is FALSE?
A. Behaviour-Driven Development allows a developer to focus on testing the code based on the expected behavior of the software.
B. Behaviour-Driven Development allows the developer to collaborate with other stakeholders, including testers, to define accurate unit tests focused on business needs.
C. In Behaviour-Driven Development, automated test cases are created before coding starts.
D. The result of Behaviour-Driven Development is test classes used by the developers to develop the test cases.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A), (B) & (D) are False – as all these are true for Behaviour-Driven Development
Option (C) is True – as this is true for Test Driven Development and not for Behaviour-Driven Development.
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Q. 104: (Level K1) At the beginning of the 5th iteration of a project, a new requirement was introduced to support a new type of browser. The tester realizes that the existing test automation framework and scripts will not support the new type of browser. What is the best course of action for the tester on this team to take?
A. The tester should notify the team that they are planning on working extra hours throughout the next 2 sprints in order to update the existing test automation framework and scripts to support the new type of browser so as not to disturb the existing sprint plan.
B. The tester will notify the team of the issue. A risk analysis is done, and the team decides that regression testing must be performed on the new type of browser in addition to the other supported browsers. The tester will update the sprint plan by adding tasks to modify the framework and scripts to support the new type of browser.
C. The tester does some research and concludes that the risk is low that any new defects would be introduced in the new type of browser that have not already been found in other supported browsers. The tester continues with the existing sprint plan and makes no changes to test automation framework or scripts
D. The tester will stop what they are doing, design specific tests for compatibility testing of the new type of browser, and communicate with the team that any other testing work for the sprint will have to be pushed to the next iteration.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
It is the responsibility of the tester to bring the issue to the notice of the team. Then the team conducts risk analysis and plans regression testing with all browsers to be done by the tester.
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Q. 105: (Level K2) Consider the following user story: “As the president, any data I upload should not be viewable by any other user of the system”.
In the first poker planning session, the following story points were given based on risk, effort, complexity, and proper extent of testing:
Customers: 5
Developers: 5
Testers: 20
What is the best outcome following this planning session?
A. Because the customer’s and developer’s size estimates match, the team can be confident that this estimate is good and should move onto the next user story.
B. The team should hold a conversation to understand why the testers felt this user story was significantly more work. Another round of the planning poker session should occur following that discussion.
C. Because the customer owns the system in the end, the customers’ estimates should be taken as correct when there is a conflict.
D. The poker planning sessions should continue until all estimated story points are an exact match between customers, developers, and testers.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
The team must not decide based upon the size estimates from customers and developers rather offer weightage to the judgment of the tester and seek clarifications in support of his / her opinion and plan for more discussions.
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Q. 106: (Level K2) Consider the following user story:
“The social networking application should now check for the user age and only the users of age 18 or above should be able to register”
And the associated test cases:
Test Case 1: Check the Save Method 0 saves the user age to the database.
Test Case 2: Verify an existing user is able to access the social networking site.
Test Case 3: A registered user is able to delete their social networking site account.
Which TWO test quadrants would the above test cases be part of?
A. Q1 unit level, technology facing & Q2 system level, business facing
B. Q1 unit level, technology facing & Q3 system or user acceptance level, business facing
C. Q3 system or user acceptance level, business facing & Q4 system or operation acceptance level, technology facing
D. Q2 system level, business facing & Q4 system or operation acceptance level, technology facing
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Q1 is Correct – as unit/component tests are part of the 1st quadrant.
Q2 is Incorrect – as these test cases are not system level tests.
Q3 is Correct – as these test cases are for user acceptance level tests.
Q4 is Incorrect – as these test cases are not for operation acceptance level tests
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Q. 107: (Level K2) The Agile Manifesto has 4 statements of values.
Match the agile value (1-4) with its traditional counterpart (i-iv).
1) Customer collaboration over.
2) Responding to change over.
3) Individuals and interactions over.
4) Working software over.
i) Processes and tools.
ii) Following a plan.
iii) Contract negotiation.
iv) Comprehensive documentation.
A. 1 – iii, 2 – iv, 3 – ii, 4 – i
B. 1 – iii, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iv
C. 1 – iv, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iii
D. 1 – ii, 2 – iii, 3 – iv, 4 – i
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Agile value (1) “Customer collaboration” relates to activity (iii) Negotiations with the customer.
Agile value (2) “Response to change” relates to activity (ii) Implementation of the plan.
Agile value (3) “Interactions with people” relates to activity (i) Decision on processes to be followed and tools to be used.
Agile value (4) “working software” relates to activity (iv) Documentation work.
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Q. 108: (Level K2) Which out of the following TWO statements demonstrate effective use of the testing quadrants?
1. The testing quadrants model and its variants help to ensure that all important test types and test levels are included in the development lifecycle
2. The tester can use the types of tests described in the testing quadrants as a coverage metric, the more tests covered from each quadrant, the higher the test coverage.
3. The testing quadrants model provides a way to differentiate and describe the types of tests to all stakeholders, including developers, testers, and business representatives.
4. Testing quadrants are used for risk analysis; with the lower level quadrants representing a lower risk to the customer.
5. Testing quadrants can be used to find out whether the story acceptance criteria is testable.
A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 1 and 3
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Statement (1) is True – as the testing quadrants can be used to ensure that all test types and test levels are covered.
Statement (2) is False – as the testing quadrants cannot be used as metrics since not all test levels/types are applicable to the system under test.
Statement (3) is True – as the testing quadrants can be used as an aid to describing the types of tests and their purpose to all stakeholders.
Statement (4) is False – as the testing quadrants have no correlation with risk level.
Statement (5) is False – as testing quadrants are not related to story acceptance criteria testability.
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Q. 109: (Level K2) Given the following user stories:
“As a bank teller, I can easily navigate through the system menu and links, and find the information I am looking for”
“For all users, the system must display all queries in less than 2 seconds, 90% of the time”
And the associated test cases:
TC1: Login as the bank teller. Enter customer ID. Verify that the customer transaction history is easy to find and that navigating through the menus is intuitive.
TC2: Login as bank teller: Enter customer Name. Verify that the customer accounts are easy to find and that navigating through the menus is intuitive.
TC3: Simulate expected traffic on the system and validate the time for customer transaction history to display is less than 2 seconds.
Which TWO test quadrants would the above test cases be part of?
A. Q1 unit level, technology facing & Q2 system level, business facing
B. Q2 system level, business facing & Q3 system or user acceptance level, business facing
C. Q3 system or user acceptance level, business facing & Q4 system or operation acceptance level, technology facing
D. Q2 system level, business facing & Q4 system or operation acceptance level, technology facing
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
The described test cases are best covered under Quadrant (3) & Quadrant (4).
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Q. 110: (Level K2) Match the testing quadrants on the left (1-4) with its correct test type on the right (i-iv).
1. Q1
2. Q2
3. Q3
4. Q4
i) Story test.
ii) Recovery test.
iii) Beta test.
iv) unit test.
A. 1 – iii, 2 – iv, 3 – ii, 4 – i
B. 1 – iv, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iii
C. 1 – iv, 2 – iii, 3 – i, 4 – ii
D. 1 – iv, 2 – i, 3 – iii, 4 – ii
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Quadrant Q1 contains unit tests.
Quadrant Q2 contains functional tests, examples, story tests, user experience prototypes, and simulations.
Quadrant Q3 contains exploratory testing, scenarios, process flows, usability testing, user acceptance testing, alpha testing, and beta testing.
Quadrant Q4 contains performance, load, stress, and scalability tests, security tests, maintainability, memory management, compatibility and interoperability, data migration, infrastructure, and recovery testing
Continue to Crash Course Part 12
An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.