ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Exam Preparation (Part 10)
Prior to appearing for exam for ISTQB certification, it is wise to quickly brush up your knowledge by reviewing the following testing related terms that are extremely important from examination point of view.
Part 10 of 12
Q. 91: What are the Test Running Tools?
These are extremely popular type of tools. They provide capture and replay facilities for WIMP interface based applications. The tools can simulate mouse movement, mouse clicks and keyboard inputs. The tools can even recognise windows and buttons, thus making them extremely versatile. The test procedures are normally written in a specific scripting language. This tool is another popular choice for regression testing.
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Q. 92: What are the Test Harnesses?
If the software under test does not have a user interface, then test harnesses and drivers can be used to execute the software. These types of tools can be bought off the shelf, but more commonly they are built for a specific purpose.
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Q. 93: What are the Test Script Generators?
Creates actual test scripts based on information held within a test specification. Simulators are commonly used where it is impracticable to use them, for example software to control a space probes trajectory.
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Q. 94: What are the Performance Test Tools?
This type of tool comprises of two components; Load Generation and Test Transaction Measurement., Load Generation is commonly performed by running the application using its interface or by using drivers. The number of transactions performed this way are then logged. Performance test tools will commonly be able to display reports and graphs of load against response time.
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Q. 95: What are the Dynamic Analysis Tools?
Run-time information on the state of the executing software is achieved by using Dynamic Analysis Tools. These tools are ideally suited for monitoring the use and allocation of memory. Faults such as memory leaks, unassigned pointers can be found, which would otherwise be difficult to find manually.
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Q. 96: What are the Debugging Tools?
Debugging tools are often used by programmers to try and reproduce code-related errors in order to investigate a problem. The debugger allows the program to be run line by line. This enables halted the program on demand to examine and set program variables.
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Q. 97: What are the Comparison Tools?
This type of tool is used to highlight differences between actual results and expected results. Off the shelf Comparison Tools can normally deal with a range of file and database formats. This type of tool often has filter capabilities to allow �ignoring� of rows or columns of data or even areas on a screen
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Q. 98: What are the Test Management Tools?
Test Management Tools commonly have multiple features. Test Management is mainly concerned with the management, creation and control of test documentation. More advanced tools have additional capabilities such as test management features, for example; result logging and test scheduling.
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Q. 99: What are the Coverage Measurement Tools?
This type of tool provides objective measures of structural test coverage when the actual tests are executed. Before the programs are compiled, they are first instrumented. Once this has been completed they can then be tested. The instrumentation process allows the coverage data to be logged whilst the program is running. Once testing is complete, the logs can provide statistics on the details of the tests covered.
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Q. 100: What are the Hyperlink Testing Tools?
These tools are simply used to check that no broken hyperlinks exist on a web site.
Part -11 of Key Fundamental Terms
Full Study Material for ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Exam
An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
Gosh, I wish I would have had that infrmoatoin earlier!