IBM RFT Interview Questions: Q. 101 to 110
Q. 101: What is Script helper superclass or base class?
Helper superclass or base class are optional, user defined classes which provide overriding support for
base level methods, especially the event handler methods in RFT.
For RFT – Java Scripting it is known as a helper superclass.
For RFT – VB.NET Scripting it is known as a base class.
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Q. 102: Can we change the default script helper superclass?
Yes we can change the default script helper superclass for a Project as well as for an individual script.
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Q. 103: Can we create our own script helper superclass in RFT?
Yes. RFT allows us to create our own helper superclass which can be used by RFT every time we create or record a script in our project.
Our own helper superclass can act as an extension for the RationalTestScript. We can thus add additional methods and can even override the methods from RationalTestScript.
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Q. 104: What type of changes we can do in functional test scripts & how?
We can use application programming interface – API of RFt to make changes to the RFT scripts.
Changes of following nature can be done in recorded scripts by using RFT’s API
1) Change a user action, like object().drag() to object().click().
2) Delete recorded commands.
3) Place an often repeated sequence of actions into a method.
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Q. 105: Can we start a RFT script from within a script?
RFT scripts can contain methods which can invoke another test scripts.
We can create a RFT script which serves as a command file for a suite of scripts. This can be done by using the callScript method.
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Q. 106: Why do we need to modify our script to access an object property?
Under following situations we may need to change our script for accessing an object property.
1) To compare previous versions of a value to the current value and to do so we would require a calculation like factoring in a depreciation rate.
2) Querying a property may return a reference to other objects. Hence we need to test the value of a property of the returned object.
3) To branch in our RFT script based on the current value of a property.
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Q. 107: What is a bound reference for test objects?
When we call many methods directly on the same object, and RFT loses time to find the object each time a method was called on it. We use the TestObject.find method to find an object without RFT calling any methods on the object.
TestObject.find returns a new TestObject containing a different kind of reference to the object in the application under test. This reference is called a bound reference or a found reference or a non-mapped reference.
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Q. 108: What type of references for test objects can be unregistered in RFT?
RFT unregisters bound references only and that too when the entire playback ends and not when the script ends.
As long as a bound reference to the object exists, RFT will prevent the object in the application from being entirely free.
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Q. 109: What should be the best practice to unregister the test object references in RFT?
As a best practice we should unregister any bound references immediately after we feel that there is no need for them any more.
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Q. 110: What type of verification points can we insert in our RFT script?
Two type of verification points i.e. Manual verification point & Dynamic verification point can be added by us in our test scripts after recording.
These verification points help us to specify data for comparison against an object, which is not found in the test object map.
Continue to Next Part : Q 111 to 120
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