HP LoadRunner VuGen Questions Bank: Q. 71 to 80
Learn “VuGen” Module of HP LoadRunner through FAQs:
Q. 71: What type of Extended log options are available for posting additional information?
Following Extended log options are available:
1) Parameter substitution: This option is selected to log all parameters assigned to the script along with their values.
2) Data returned by server: This option is selected to log all of the data returned by the server.
3) Advanced trace: This option is selected to log all of the functions and messages sent by the Vuser during the session.
This option is useful while debugging a Vuser script.
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Q. 72: What is a Message Class?
Message Class is the degree to which VuGen logs various events likeStandard, Parameter substitution etc.
There are five types of Message Classes:
1) Brief 2) Extended 3) Parameters 4) Result Data 5) Full Trace.
A Message Class can be manually set within our script with the help of lr_set_debug_message function. This is useful when we want to receive debug information about a small section of the script.
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Q. 73: What options are available for setting the Think Time in our Scripts?
Vuser think time emulates the time that a real user waits between actions. By default, when a Vuser script is run, the Vuser uses the think time values that were recorded into the script during the recording session.
VuGen allows us to use following options:
1) Use the recorded think time
2) Ignore the recorded think time
3) Use a value related to the recorded time
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Q. 74: What type of Miscellaneous run-time options are available for a Vuser script?
Following Miscellaneous run-time options are available for a Vuser script:
1) Error Handling Settings: Following three types of settings are available under this category
a) Continue on Error: This setting instructs Vusers to continue script execution when an error occurs. This option is turned off by default, indicating that the Vuser will exit if an error occurs.
b) Fail open transactions on lr_error_message: This option instructs VuGen to mark all transactions in which an lr_error_message function was issued, as Failed. The lr_error_message function is issued through a programmed If
statement, when a certain condition is met.
c) Generate Snapshot on Error: This option generates a snapshot when an error occurs. We can see the snapshot by viewing the Vuser Log and doubleclicking on the line at which the error occurred.
2) Multithreading Settings: Vusers support multithread environments. The primary advantage of a multithread environment is the ability to run more Vusers per load generator.
3) Automatic Transactions Settings: We can instruct LoadRunner to handle every step or action in a Vuser script as a transaction. This is called using automatic transactions. LoadRunner assigns the step or action name as the name of the transaction. By default, automatic transactions per action are enabled.
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Q. 75: How can we do the speed simulation for the Network while working on Loadrunner?
With the help of Speed Simulation settings, we can select a bandwidth which best suits the environment under test.
Three options are available to us for speed simulation of network:
1) Use maximum bandwidth: By default, bandwidth emulation is disabled and the Vusers run at the maximum bandwidth that is available over the network.
2) Use bandwidth: Indicate a specific bandwidth level for our Vuser to emulate. We can select a speed ranging from 14.4 to 512 Kbps, emulating analog modems, ISDN, or DSL.
3) Use custom bandwidth: Indicate a bandwidth limit for your Vuser to emulate. Specify the bandwidth in bits, where 1 Kilobit=1024 bits.
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Q. 76: What are Breakpoints?
Breakpoints pause the execution at specific points in the script. Breakpoints enable us to examine the effects of the script on our application at pre-determined points during execution.
All breakpoints in our script can be viewed and manipulated by using the Breakpoint Manager of VuGen.
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Q. 77: What tools are available in VuGen for debugging the Web Vuser Scripts?
VuGen provides following two tools to help us debug our Web Vuser scripts
1) Run-time viewer: It shows each Web page as it is accessed by the Vuser. This is useful when we debug Web Vuser scripts because it allows us to check that the Vuser accesses the correct Web pages.
2) Results Summary report: It summarizes the success or failure of each step in the Web Vuser scripts and allows us to view the Web page returned by each step.
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Q. 78: How can we run a Vuser Script from a Command Prompt?
We can test a Vuser script from a Command Prompt or from the Windows Run dialog box without the VuGen user interface by following method.
1) Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt to open a Command Prompt window, or select Start > Run to open the Run dialog box.
2) Type /bin/mdrv.exe -usr -vugen_win 0 and press enter
Here script_name is the full path to the .usr script file, for example, c:tempmytestmytest.usr.
And the mdrv executable runs a single instance of the script without the user interface.
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Q. 79: What information is needed for Integrating Scripts into the Test environment?
After successfully testing the script in standalone mode and confirming its perfect functionality, we integrate it into the full-fledged environment like: a LoadRunner scenario, Performance Center load test, or Business Process Monitor profile etc.
Following information is provided while integrating the test:
1) Which is the script that needs to be integrated.
2) Details of Vusers, which will run the script.
3) Details of load generator upon which the script will be executed.
4) Details of scheduling etc.
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Q. 80: How do we create a LoadRunner Scenario?
Generally we create a scenario from the LoadRunner Controller module.
However we can create a basic scenario from VuGen using the current script as well.
Continue to Next Part : Q 81 to 90

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.