How to get better prepared for a Job Interview ? An Expert Quiz (Part-2)
We are presenting a Behavioral Quiz prepared by the HR experts. Irrespective of the fact whether you are a tester or some other professional, just practice it before attending any interview & you will be better prepared to face the challenge.
Guidelines to Practice the Quiz:
A) The two-part quiz contains 20 Special Questions. Correct or the best answers are available at the end of each section.
B) To understand the Logic behind the best answer, justification is provided alongwith every question.
C) You can evaluate your performance by comparing your score against a standard score card provided at the end of this Part-2 of the Quiz.
Quiz Part-2 (Set of 10 Questions)
Q. 11: Taking detailed notes in an interview is an accepted practice.
A. True
B. False
Justification / Logic: Experts disagree on this subject a bit, but the majority feel that it’s just not a wise idea to spend the entire interview taking notes because you need to use that time to be thinking and responding and selling yourself, not passively taking notes.
You should, however, take a notepad or paper with you, and as soon as the interview is over, spend a few minutes writing down the key points made during the interview — so you can use some of those points in your thank you letter.
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Q. 12: When the interviewer asks you the question, “tell me about yourself,” she really wants what in response?
A. A 10-minute detailed story of your life, from birth to present
B. A concise narrative of your personal and professional background and goals and how they relate to the job at hand
C. A short narrative of your personal life, leaving nothing to the imagination
D. A long-winded account of your last vacation
Justification / Logic: This question is one of the more common ones in interviews and a good way for the interviewer to get some insight into the candidate, but you might be surprised to learn how many people answer this question incorrectly. This question gives you the chance to sell yourself specifically to the position.
The interviewer wants a snapshot of you — as described by you — in about two minutes or less. The interviewer does not want to really know about you, s/he wants to know the part about you that makes you an ideal candidate for the job at hand, so be prepared to discuss how your education and experience relate to the job opening.
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Q. 13: How should you respond to the question, “where do you see yourself in five years?”
A. I just want to be at a place in my life when I’m happy with who I am — the job I’m doing would have to support that.
B. I could see myself starting my own business.
C. I would hope I am still with this organization in a position of increased responsibility, making a vital contribution to its success.
D. I just want to have a steady income that I am satisfied with and that allows me to be financially independent.
Justification / Logic: All these answers are fairly common responses. Perhaps some of these applicants forget that while honesty is important in an interview, you do not need to discuss all the truth — even if you really do see yourself running your own business in five years.
Once again, we cannot stress enough that while your responses need to be based on facts, when you are asked about a hypothetical situation set in the future, it’s best to respond in a way that inspires confidence that you are the right person for the job — selling the employer on your potential.
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Q. 14: The best way to answer the question, “Why do you want to work for our company,” is by saying:
A. You’ve been the market leader for the past five years because of the reputation of your products and quality of customer satisfaction and I would like to contribute my services to continue the organization’s successes.
B. You’ve been the market leaders for the past five years, and I think it would be really great for my career to work for your organization.
C. I love the fact that I can dress in jeans every day and that the office is only a five minute bike ride from the beach.
D. I’m really attracted by the great salary and benefits your company offers.
Justification / Logic: This question is another one you should anticipate because it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the company. You might discuss the company’s reputation, strength of products, highly touted management, recent growth or acquisitions, or other positive information you have gathered during your research.
Always avoid answers that focus on the benefits to you of working for the company and, instead, focus on what you can do for the company.
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Q. 15: If you’re asked to discuss your current boss, whom you dislike, you should tell the truth about him.
A. True
B. False
Justification / Logic: It is never a good idea to badmouth a current or former boss or company. Always speak positively about your current and former employers. Remember that the point of an interview is selling yourself to the employer and what do you think it says about yourself if you are willing to say negative things about your boss or company?
If you’re asked about your current boss, it’s probably a question about the type of management style you prefer, so you should probably direct your answer there.
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Q. 16: If you are returning to the workforce or have gaps in your employment history and are asked about what you were doing during that time, you should:
A. Talk about volunteering or consulting work you completed
B. Mention that being a parent takes top priority in your life
C. Discuss the long mourning period over the loss of a loved one
D. State that you tend to need breaks between jobs
Justification / Logic: Lots of people end up having employment gaps on their resumes — for all sorts of reasons. Your goal is to put the best spin on the gap. If you did, in fact, work as a volunteer or consultant, or if you went back to school for additional training relevant to the position, use these reasons to explain the gap(s).
And remember — never raise the issue yourself. In fact, make sure you never raise any negative issues during an interview.
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Q. 17: No matter what, you should always ask a question when the interviewer asks if you have any questions about the job or the company.
A. True
B. False
Justification / Logic: This question is one of those heuristics (rule of thumB. employers use to make a quick judgment about a candidate, thus a person who does not have any questions equates to a person who really is not interested in working for the company.
So, even if you think all your questions have been answered, you really need to have a few special questions in reserve — ones that can also show off your knowledge about the company — such as, “how will the new distribution center you’re building in Florida affect your southeast deliveries?”
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Q. 18: Which of the following is not one of the most common mistakes job-seekers make during job interviews:
A. Limp, clammy handshake
B. Over-emphasis on money
C. Lack of interest and enthusiasm
D. Too much knowledge of the company
Justification / Logic: Can you ever really have too much information about a company?
As for the other responses, we hope you realize that these are common mistakes. A firm handshake makes a great first impression. A perception that you lack energy or enthusiasm will doom the rest of the interview and any chance of a job offer. And an over-emphasis on money shows that your priorities may be skewed.
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Q. 19: at the end of the interview, you should always ask about the next step in the process.
A. True
B. False
Justification / Logic: You might say something such as, “Ms. Jones, I feel very positive about the fit between your needs and my abilities to do the job, and I would like to take this to the next step. Is there anything in my background or anything we discussed today that would keep me from going to the next step?”
As with all aspects of job-hunting, you must be proactive and show initiative.
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Q. 20: As soon as you get back from the interview, you should:
A. Put your feet up and relax, knowing you did a great interview
B. Spend hours kicking yourself for some poor answers you gave
C. Immediately fire off thank you letters to each person who interviewed with you
D. Quit your current job in anticipation of a new job offer
Justification / Logic: It’s a simple gesture of courtesy and respect, but one that will give you an extra little edge over the other candidates — especially the ones who do not send thank-you letters. Thank you letters also give you an opportunity to do a number of other things, such as restate your interest in and enthusiasm for the job; express your fit with the qualifications for the position; send additional materials requested by the employer; stress the rapport you felt with the interviewer; and much more.
Scoring | Conclusion |
19-20 | You’re in great shape and should do well in job interviews. |
17-18 | You’re in good shape, though you need to do some polishing of your interviewing tactics. |
15-16 | You’re in need of doing some real work to get a better understanding of job interviewing. |
Below 15 | You’re in need of spending a lot of time learning about the job interviewing process. |
The above results would help you polish your skills more & more for a better understanding of the job interviewing process, resulting in a much more rewarding performance in the times to come.
Suggested Best Answers to Above Questions
Question No. | Best Answer |
Q. 11 | B |
Q. 12 | B |
Q. 13 | C |
Q. 14 | A |
Q. 15 | B |
Q. 16 | A |
Q. 17 | A |
Q. 18 | D |
Q. 19 | A |
Q. 20 | C |
General HR Interview Questions Common For All
Tricky HR Interview Questions Common For All

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
Very nice collection of questions in the quiz..Keep it up. And Thanks for such stuff.