How to Beat the Recession-Seven Golden Tips for a Successful Career
There is no one who does not aspire to excel in his/her career & reach the star. In today’s era of dynamism & great competition, I don’t think that heavy university degrees can contribute too much in your success. Impressive degrees undoubtedly act as a rock in the soil, but apart from that we need to understand the superiority of smart working over hard working in this environment of fast change.
What we need is a Tip-Top & pleasing personality. Even if you happen to be highly qualified & intelligent, but haven’t cared to improve your personality; you are liable to be branded as an old fashioned owl & you may not achieve the level of success, you think you deserve. Having realized the underlying fact, this is the high time for you to change yourself.
I am giving below 7-Golden Tips to transform your personality by virtue of which you can beat any type of recession & march on a highway to success in your professional career.
Tip No. – 1: Demonstrate your Importance:
Keep yourself engrossed in worthwhile / value added activities that could help you develop your importance among your circle. You must be always conscious of your ultimate career goals & most important issue is that you must have chalked out some realistic / may be a bit difficult plan to achieve your career objectives. It is essential that you make your presence felt effectively. For that you must develop patience & remain ever aware of your real talent, that ought to be capitalized effectively & that too at the most appropriate time.
Remember that if you fail to hit the nail right on its head at the proper time, you may miss an opportunity of impressing others about your talent & importance.
Tip No. 2: Cultivate Positive Attitude: Be positive & optimistic in your approach. You must deploy your best potential to achieve your short-term & long-term goals with positive attitude. Always keep yourself motivated, which will help you in keeping your professional confidence alive.
Try to identify & drop your negative traits & try to develop the opposite � positive habits. Being kind hearted & ever eager to help others at an hour of need, is a very good attribute that improves the personality. However you need to be conscious that no one should take you for a ride out of your kind-heartedness.
Tip No. – 3: Develop Right behavior: Your behavior with others is of prime importance in shaping your personality. Try to find out that you are not like many people who are habitual of indulging in unwanted arguments with anyone over trivial issues & who occasionally fail to pay due respect to others. This type of behavior casts a negative impact on one’s personality.
Try to be true to your words & must never break a promise, once made; else your sincerity will come under shadow, which is going to be a strong impediment in your success.
Tip No. – 4: Introspect periodically: It is ideal to have a check-list of do’s & don’ts or a diary where you can record your activities of the day, especially the ones where you happen to slip out of the planned do�s. Try to fix some sort of small self-punishment for every deviation from the defined do�s. For instance you may decide to donate say 10 cents for every lie from you. In case of a time constraint, introspection at least once a week needs to be done.
Be true to yourself while introspecting; remember that you are not going to impress anyone by hiding the facts. You should not tell a lie to yourself. Such introspection will be a great eye opener for you, which will improve your personality gradually.
Tip No. – 5: Care for your Dress: Be cautious of your body language & your dress. Your body language & your dressing sense are true reflections of your personality. Proper dress plays a vital role in developing a dynamic personality.
Be careful of your dress that needs to be neat & clean always. Too tight or too lose dress is a sign of negative personality. Excessive repetition of dresses also sends negative signal among people whom you meet frequently. We need to avoid transparent apparels in office.
Tip No. – 6: Develop Creativity: You don�t have to repent if you are not a born leader. Creativity is the biggest factor due to which you act with added strength & vigor. It is proven that by lack of creativity you & your company can lag behind your competition to a great extent. Appropriate environment contributes a lot to your creativity. Check if your environment is obstructive or supportive to your creativity. Remember that neat & clean surroundings to your work place are highly conducive to your creativity, while a disorganized one is bound to have adverse effect on your creativity.
The gist of creativity lies in your being an out-of-the-box thinker & a positively dissatisfied person.
Tip No. – 7: Be a Problem Solver: Try to be the first to suggest remedies to come out of any type of crisis in your office. Never try to fuel the crisis & complicate the situation, rather try to contribute in a way helping in controlling the situation.
Deming’s philosophy of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is wonderful to practice in any part of life.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.