An Introduction to QTP (HP-Quick Test Professional)
Type of the Tool : Functional Testing Tool
Company : HP
Scripting Language: VB Script
Version Journey : #5.5, 6.5, 7.0, 7.2, 8.0, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.5, 10.0.
An anatomy of QTP
Vbwindow (“Emp”).VbEdit (“Ename”).Set “Piyush”
Vbwindow (“Emp”).VbEdit (“Eage”).Set “24”
Vbwindow (“Emp”).VbEdit (“Esal”).Set “50,000”
Vbwindow (“Emp”).VbEdit (“Edesig”).Set “SQA Engineer”
Vbwindow (“Emp”).Vbbutton(“Submit”).Click
Add � Ins – Manager : is a unique feature of QTP, which renders QTP compatible with specified environments. By default Add-In-Manager contain three types of Add Ins. Like 1) Visual Basic 2) Active x. 3) Web. More add ins can be added by purchasing at an added cost.
QTP is fully compatible
with standard windows environment.QTP screen can be divided into following five parts:
1) Test Pane
2) Active Screen
3) Data Table
4) Debug Viewer Pane
5) Tool Options
1) Test Pane: Test pane is an area provided by QTP, which is used for developing, viewing and modifying the test script. It represents the Test script in following two views.
# Expert view: represents the script in VB script format.
# Keyboard View: represents the scripts using a graphical user interface, which are further, divided, into four parts like 1) Item 2) Operation 3) Value 4) Documentation
2) Active Screen: holds the snap shots related to each and every script statement and used for understanding the script easily as well as enhancing the script easily.
3) Data Table: also known as formula1 sheet, which is developed by a third party and is tightly integrated with the QTP
Key Features of data table are : –
# It is used for holding the Test Data.
# It provides the facility to import the test data easily from various data sources like Excel files, Data bases and Flat files.
# It allows the user to directly enter data and modify the data.
# It isolates the test script from the data source.
QTP maintains two copies of Data Table like 1) Design time data table and, 2) Run time data table.
4) Debug Viewer Pane: is an area used for Viewing, Modifying or Setting the current values of the variable or expressions during the execution brake with the help of three tabs like Watch Expression, Variable and Commands.
5) Tool Options: Options available in Menu bar, File Toolbar, and Testing Toolbar are known as Tool options.
Recording and Running
Recording and Run Settings: is a feature provided to render QTP understand as to on which applications it shall be required to concentrate while Recording and Running. This setting needs to be done at least once for every new test.
Operational Overview of Recording: During recording QTP does the following
# Generates a test script statement corresponding to every user action.
# Stores the required related information in the object repository.
Operational Overview of Running: During running QTP does the following
# Reading the script statement.
# Understanding as to which action needs to be performed on which object.
# When it realizes that it needs to identify an object with the help of some information; it will go to the object repository and search the same.
# Having identified the necessary information, it will intelligently try to identify the object.
# Once the object is identified, it will perform the desired action
Recording Modes: There are 3 types of recording modes.
1) Contact sensitive recording mode or Normal recording mode: is used for recording the operations performed at different contacts on the standard GUI objects.
2) Analog Recording mode: is used for recording the continuous operations.
3) Low-level Recording Mode: It is special recording mode provided by QTP, which is used for recording the minimum operations on the Non-Supported environments also.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.