CSTE Exam Preparation Descriptive Questions-Q 1 to 10
Mastering these questions will certainly pave a way to your success in the exam as well as in your career.
Q. 1: List five suggestions for relaying defect information and / or performing criticism effectively.
1) Do it privately.
2) Have the facts.
3) Be prepared to help the person improve.
4) Follow a process when giving criticism.
5) Be specific on expectations
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Q.2: What are three reasons why people don’t listen well?
1) The speaker may not be talking about a topic of interest to them.
2) They are impatient and have a lot of other stimuli going through their minds.
3) They are too busy rehearsing what they will say next.
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Q. 3: Give one example of an effective audience evaluation technique that can be used to level-set a testing presentation or design a course for test or development staff.
Do an internal self-assessment for a training course or ask questions of the audience before and after a presentation
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Q. 4: How do you know if the information you provided to an audience has been understood and communicated effectively?
You ask questions, and conduct an audience evaluation immediately.
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Q. 5: Give three examples of pertinent information that should always be included with defect reports.
1) What type of defect was found?
2) Where was the defect found?
3) What is the severity level of the defect?
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Q. 6: You are the quality assurance manager at the APEX company. One of your quality assurance analysts is engaged in a dispute with a developer over the cause of a defect reported by the analyst. What can/should you do?
You should discuss the defect report with the QA analyst to ensure that the information is correct and that a root causes analysis was conducted. If it is clearly a case of developer error then have both people discuss and come to an effective resolution. Record the defect and status.
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Q. 7: List three ways a tester can improve his/her test ability.
1) Prepare for the CSTE exam.
2) Join a local professional association and actively participate.
3) Read journals and magazines about the testing profession.
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Q. 8: In what ways, if any, can a tester induce change and/or modification to a development process?
A tester can induce changes into the development process by providing both qualitative and quantitative data derived from the testing process.
With this information and metrics, changes can be identified and introduced into the development process that will ultimately benefit the organization. Information like types and frequency of defects found, where in the development process they were found, the on-time delivery capability, etc. can assist in improving the overall quality of the delivered products.
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Q. 9: What is the main purpose of a task force?
The main purpose of a task force is to develop options-not to solve a problem.
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Q. 10: What is the role of a facilitator?
To provide an unbiased focal point to a discussion and keep the discussion “on track.”
Continue to Next Set of Questions – Q. 11 to 20
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.